Replicate Snowflake database across cloud accounts in different regions

The purpose of this article is to show you on how to replicate database from one cloud snowflake account to another one across regions.

Data Replication

Hey There! I work for an airline and I am part of “Data Platform Team”. We use AWS analytic services and Snowflake in combination to build and deploy data pipelines into production.

Our Snowflake setup is such that in Europe we’re running on top of AWS (Frankfurt).

We made an agreement to receive dynamic pricing data from Amadeus as snowflake data share. Their Snowflake setup is such that in Europe they’re running on top of Azure (Amsterdam).

In order to receive this data as share, There are two options.

1) We can set up Snowflake account in Azure Amsterdam from where we then would replicate to our Snowflake account in AWS Frankfurt.

2) Or If Amadeus can extend their cloud presence to AWS Frankfurt, they can directly share the data to our AWS Frankfurt Snowflake account.

After few email conversations between Finnair and Amadeus, They confirmed that they can not extend their cloud presence so we had to create a snowflake enterprise account on Azure Amsterdam.

