Seven Deadly Sins of Fake Vault

The term “Fake Vault” was coined at wwdvc 2019; Fake Vaults are supposed Data Vault 2.0 implementations that fail the basic tenets of an auditable, agile and automated data vault model. They include ingenuity that does not scale, that in fact flies in the face of what a scalable data vault model should be. Terms like “bag of keys” or “keyed-instance hubs” are not Data Vault 2.0 terms!

In no particular order here are the seven deadly sins of fake vault:

· GULA — “Business Vault is the layer exposed to the business” — the implication is that Raw Vault is not exposed to anyone and Business Vault is the “conformed” business layer with column names in the form digestible by the business. This is an incorrect implementation of Business Vault. Business Vault is nothing more than the archived outcome of derived business rules based on Raw Vault. It is not a copy of Raw Vault; Business Vault is sparsely populated that serves as the implementation to resolve business process gaps in the source application. For example, a 3rd party source application may define that a home loan account has its own facility and an offset account may have its own facility too but the business only sees one facility that is an umbrella business entity for all related accounts (loan and offset accounts). The raw vault link will contain how the 3rd party source defines this relationship but the…

