Snowflake AI Insights➡ ChatGPT ➡ Slack

I completed this in February (sorry it is late!).

This was super easy to do.

Writing the blog was more complex — reading it is easy, read on 👓

⚠ I have battled quite painfully with navigating Google’s documentation for gateways and cloud functions.


Get an OpenAI API key (you have free credit to get started)

  • Knowledge to copy code!!!
  • Set up a slack app (easy) with a webhook for a channel
  • Be cool enough to be able to CREATE EXTERNAL FUNCTION in Snowflake
  • AWS or GCP. I used GCP and this wasn’t fun — I had help with this (thanks Eric Park!), so watch out and enjoy this helpful guide from Snowflake.


  1. This is fun and very cool
  2. This is a good way to start using AI and get familiar with Python
  3. Now you know I am actively working on AI products at Astrato Analytics so you don’t actually need to follow this tutorial to have AI in Snowflake 😉


This is what is actually happening

1. Including data from Snowflake

That’s the code below, Snowflake makes it easy for you!

This provides a JSON output (maximum 16MB) of your table or view.

BEFORE running this, make sure you use a WHERE clause to limit the number of rows — don’t try LIMITor TOP— the output is always one row.

array_agg( OBJECT_CONSTRUCT( * ))
FROM reviews /* <-- (table/view name goes here)*/

Make sure you don’t go over the token limit for OpenAI 4096 tokens (estimated between 6,144 and 9,216 characters when working with datasets). Token limit include: data, prompt, response. Use a small table, or use a WHERE clause. You can check how many tokens your data uses, right here.

2. The google function

I strongly recommend using Python for this, given that I am providing the code in Python. If that isn’t a good enough reason, I don’t know what is!

The beloved cloud function
Me after using Python

Data is sent from Snowflake, to the cloud function, in the format below.

# {'data': 
# [[
# 0,
# 'Reply to me: Test passed',
# '',
# 'Workbook name',
# ''
# ]]
# }

3. Using the function

Running the function is easy, simply run the SQL below. You can replace the data with the code from step 1.

select demo_dataset.seattle_housing.OPENAI(
,/*Workbook URL*/ ''
,/*Workbook Name*/ 'Test from Snowsight'
,/*Webhook URL*/ ''

4. Run in Snowflake ❄

Now we’re talking! We’re simply running a function, which requires a few parameters. The output provides insight into the data, with the release of the 16k context window in gtp3.5-turbo-16k, we can put larger data tables into OpenAI for analysis.

This function sends these parameters to the Google cloud function which does the rest of the work.

5. EXTRA: Run in a Data App, via Astrato

Drag and drop a button, add a few action blocks in Astrato. No code! 🙌

The actions I’m using:

  • Fire on button click
  • Runs the same query as the table in the gif, storing the results to a variable
  • Sends that variable inside my prompt (which is also another variable)
  • Calls the Google Cloud function from Snowflake with my full prompt (including data)
  • Google Cloud function shares to slack
Astrato’s Workbook Actions
Astrato Insights in Slack (powered by OpenAI / ChatGPT & Astrato’s Actions)

