Retiring Old Pools (Liquidity Mining Ends in Two Weeks)

Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2021


❄️ yVault USD, yVault Curve, btcSNOW, eth2SNOW liquidity mining will end in 2 weeks at 28/07/2021 @ 12:00 UTC
❄️ Can restake ankrETH and wETH in upcoming yVault USD v2 pool, announcement coming soon

SnowSwap lets you swap yield-farming tokens of the top DeFi Projects and maximize your APY by adding an additional layer of yield.

The world of DeFi changes rapidly. Many of the pools SnowSwap launched last year are based on Yearn V1 vaults which are in the process of being phased out in favor of V2 vaults. Also, the vEth2 token in the eth2SNOW Pool was based on a staking service provided by SharedStake which recently suffered a rug pull. As such, we are doing some long needed pool housekeeping.

Note: Users can restake ankrETH and wETH in the new crvEthSNOW Pool (Night King’s Pool) to keep earning SNOW rewards. First, one must deposit wETH and ankrETH in Curve, and then deposit the resulting crvAnkrETH tokens in SnowSwap.

Effective July 28, 2021, we will stop incentivizing liquidity providing for the following pools:

  • yVault USD / Jack Frost
  • yVault Curve / Santa Claus
  • btcSNOW / Cupid
  • eth2SNOW / Buddy Elf
Jack Frost is being upgraded!

Users will still be able to withdraw from the pools but as liquidity decreases, greater slippage will occur if one chooses to withdraw a single asset. As such, we recommend users withdraw their liquidity as soon as possible.

Replacement yYearn USD v2 pool and other new pools will be launched very soon.

Thank you for your continued support of SnowSwap!

❄️ SnowSwap Social Media

