Smiling as Your Unique Selling Proposition

Don Simkovich
So Cal Stories
Published in
4 min readMay 10, 2016

Smiling does more than reveal your personality. Nothing is more uniquely you and it brings your personal and professional identities to life. Oral health is the key to your smile and, therefore, your personal brand.

In Southern California’s urban sprawl, standing out from the crowded marketplace requires a confident persona. Bring up a search engine on your laptop or smartphone and type in a profession like realtor or financial advisor. Look at the large number of results and who you are is your personal brand or your Unique Selling Proposition.

How you smile and the eye contact you make can set the stage for being heard or being ignored. That’s why a confident smile is an asset in the relationships that matter most. So what if you can’t smile confidently because you don’t like what your teeth reveal?

Smiling is the end result of Dr. Sam Saleh’s digital dentistry practice

A Beverly Hills dentist has many years experience helping celebrities gain or maintain their Red Carpet smile. Dr. Sam Saleh, owner of Ora Dentistry Spa, is a leading voice for a healthy smile in Southern California. He’s witnessed the pain of students, mothers, and others whose personal anguish from trauma or poor hygiene ruined their smile and inhibited their lives. Keeping their mouth closed was their way to avoid revealing what they felt were glaring imperfections.

Where it Starts

Teeth yellowed from years of drinking coffee and tea, cracked and chipped teeth, and teeth that grew in crooked because of overcrowding are imperfections. How we deal with the challenge varies from one person to another. The more involved a procedure becomes to correct a problem, the more that trust needs to be placed in the dental professional.

Dr. Sam studied in London at King’s College, one of the world’s most prestigious dental schools. His work is international and he has patients from around the world who see him and those who travel from other parts of the U.S.

Beverly Hills is itself a hyper-competitive market and Dr. Sam’s smile is as much a part of his professional brand as his penthouse office with gift bags and healthy drinks for patients. Knowledge is another factor that differentiates practitioners and Ora Dentistry Spa’s team has embraced the learning curve that comes with implementing digital dentistry on a full scale.

The Unavoidable Red Carpet Smile

Everyone seems to have a Red Carpet event. The term is ubiquitous in So Cal and the events pop up on major scales during Hollywood awards ceremonies and on minor scales year ‘round. Local chambers of commerce play up the theme to honor board members and tiny, private schools play around with the theme to honor teachers.

At each Red Carpet, you’re expected to do — you know what. Smile with ease and grace just like one of those darned celebrities who float along the runway at the Oscars, the Emmys, and movie premieres. Tyra Banks, by the way, is one of Dr. Sam’s patients. Okay. Name dropping. But, hey, that’s Hollywood.

Getting a Smile You Love

Being able to smile freely is more than just about feeling good. Your mouth holds clues to your overall health and well being. Keeping those lips tight in a George Washington type of portrait means something may be happening that needs attention.

Photo from photo galleries

Start with the basics. A good diet followed by proper brushing and flossing keeps plaque from building up between your teeth and promotes healthy gums. Brushing techniques and other key points are included on Ora Dentistry Spa’s Oral Hygiene Instructions page.

Teeth whitening can bring your smile alive and give you confidence. What really is the procedure? Home remedies don’t effectively change severe discoloration. Zoom Whitening that Dr. Saleh uses incorporates a laser system where a photochemical process is activated by plasma light. Expect about one hour during either one to two visits.

Something more involved like No-Prep Veneers, Porcelain Crowns or Bridges are included in Dr. Saleh’s digital dentistry techniques. He’s certified in placing same-day porcelain dental crowns using his E4D CAD-CAM digital system to offer restoration on the same day as preparation of the teeth. This unique opportunity affords patients coming from overseas, or those with demanding schedules, the convenience of a single visit.

Techniques and tools are available to give you a smile you can be proud of, or at least assured that your personal and professional is well represented — by you.

