Day One

Orientation Week Begins

Andre Sebastian Pangilinan
So Good.


June 2, 2014

Today couldn’t have been anymore perfect. Actually maybe a little better. There were some parts where I was being a dumb intern and made a couple mistakes but other than that it was probably the best day of my life. ☺

I woke up this morning and walked to the Google shuttle stop. It turns out I was waiting in the wrong spot so when I saw the crowd of people on the other side of the street I had to rush there so I wouldn’t miss the bus.. I introduced myself to some of the cool Googlers on the bus. They were all super nice and were from different teams like Android and Maps. All the Google shuttles have Wi-Fi on them so that’s really convenient.

Orientation was held in one of the Plymouth buildings. It wasn’t too hard to find those because there were a lot of interns walking around using Google Maps to find it and I kinda just followed them. I got my photo taken, received my username (OMG IT’S BEASTBOY LOL), and got awesome stuff like a Macbook, a backpack, a t-shirt, and of course my Noogler hat!! Orientation was pretty standard, hitting on topics like “Why Google is Awesome” and “We Track You, Don’t Tell Our Secrets”. The Google Tech Team was really entertaining. I liked them a lot, especially Tony! I met a lot of really cool people too! It was so diverse! Kids all the way from India and France, kids who go to Princeton and Yale, Canadians, kids interning on Maps or Google X! It was so awesome meeting all these different kinds of humans! Lunch was cool too. I ate vegetables; I’m going to try and do that more often this summer. We watched so many videos and they were all so inspiring and motivating (probably almost shed a tear or two)..

We finished off the day by filling out some paperwork and then meeting with our hosts! Nate finally found me and we rode the Google bikes to our office that was a few blocks away! I don’t remember the last time I rode a bike so I was struggling for a few minutes. And then I saw my mom in her car so that made me mess up a little more and I almost fell in the middle of the street! That’s okay though because it was so much fun and I’m definitely going to be riding the bikes more often because I forgot how much fun that was and because my office is a little bit away from main campus.

Nate gave Ark, my mom, and me a tour of the building! It was one of the newer buildings made so it was really nice! I met the full time employees and interns on my team and they were all so awesome! I can’t wait to start working with them!

I finished off my day in the pool and the hot tub. It was hard to swim with all my jobs and projects during the school year, oh yeah I forgot about the school part.. But now that all I am working on is Google this summer I’ll definitely have time to get back in the pool.

I can already tell this will literally be the best summer of my life. I miss my friends in WA so much but thank God for Snapchat and Facebook! I’m blessed to have all the people supporting me back home (PLU, Mukilteo, GV, Kamiak, BCH, literally everywhere). Definitely won’t let any of you down. Can’t wait to get back in the Fall again so we can go hard for one final year. See you all in 3 months. Go Lutes.

Be audacious. #GoogleInternsClassOf2014

