One Month Down

I just finished week 4.

Andre Sebastian Pangilinan
So Good.


July 1, 2014

How have I been here for a month already?! This summer is flying by. I remember the day I received my offer like it was yesterday. It’s crazy how fast time goes by so I’m really trying to make the most of my time here.

This weekend was a blast! Thanks so much Google! On Saturday Google took some interns to California’s Great America! It was completely free but unfortunately I’ve been spoiled by Google too much that I was a little bummed I had to pay for food haha At least it was Panda Express ☺ We spent a lot of the day at the water park! It was so much fun! I don’t remember the last time I was at one. We went on a lot of rides and roller coasters and the lines were unusually really short for it being a weekend in the summer!

On Sunday, Google and a bunch of other tech companies like Apple and LinkedIn participated in the Pride Parade! It was so much fun marching in the parade making so much noise! It was fun hanging out with my friends from the other companies too like Facebook. I was decked out in Google swag and got an awesome new shirt! I love free shirts. ☺

Yesterday I met with a guy I’ve looked up to for a long time, Bradley Horowitz. He gave me so much awesome advice and reassured me that I’m where I’m supposed to be right now as a 21 year old. There’s already so much on my mind and this meeting just added on to that. Where am I going to be a year from now? Should I stay with Google and learn more and gain more connections? Or am I ready to start my own projects and create my own companies? Google will always be here when I come back but is that a smart move? I’ve already learned so much in just 4 weeks, imagine a couple of years. Every college student goes through these problems towards the end of their senior year and I’m no different. I know that the next thing I do is going to be just another step to what comes next but I want to take the right step. I know I will learn a lot from failure but I want to make the right mistakes that will help me become who I want to be. This is just a hard time in my life right now but hopefully God can direct me in the right path.

I’m living my dream right now. I’ve been wanting to do this for longer than I can imagine. I just want this dream to continue. My whole life will be a series of dreams and you don’t know how excited I am. Here’s to the next 10 more weeks at Google.

