The Next Big Names

Andre Sebastian Pangilinan
So Good.
Published in
4 min readJul 18, 2014


How is my summer already halfway done? I’m finishing up week #7 here at Google and it feels like I just got here, but at the same time it feels like I’ve been here for an eternity.

I’m filling out my midpoint evaluation right now. It’s giving me a chance to reflect on the past few weeks. I’ve learned so much already and have experienced a lot of new things. Every day I wake up just as excited as I was on the first day because each day brings something new. New people to meet, new places to see, new food to eat, new skills to learn, and a bunch of more surprises.

Definitely loving the famous Google perks. I go to outside restaurants and think it’s unusual when there are numbers on the menus. I miss the gbikes when walking long distances in the city. I haven’t tried out the nap pods yet but my first massage is scheduled for next week! It’s hard to even think about what the “perks” are because I just see them as normal life things now. I can’t imagine what life after Google will be like.. lol

Google brings interns to Shoreline Park & Lake
Google brings interns to Youtube HQ

Living in Silicon Valley is everything I hoped it would be and more. I’m surrounded by the people I watch on Youtube and the people I read about everyday. I hear tech buzzwords and people talking about the latest redesign or the newest wearable device on every train ride and bus stop. People are wearing Dropbox and Pinterest t-shirts everywhere I go and I even see the occasional Google Glass sometimes. (I just got mine!!!!)

There are always tech talks and intern open houses literally everyday. I love the people here. Everyone loves the same things I love. I’m starting to see a lot of familiar faces at every event I go to. It’s a nice feeling to walk around campus or even the city and just see my random friends around! The atmosphere is so great because everyone is so nice. We all have the same goals and dreams and it’s nice to be going through the same challenges and solving the same problems as my friends.

Google interns visiting NASA interns
Hacker Games at LinkedIn with Gayle Laakman McDowell
Getting a tour from the Palantir interns
Amazon interns
visiting Google

Remember when I met Matias Duarte at the I/O Happy Hour? Well I wasn’t satisfied with just a small talk with him. After a few emails with him and his assistant I set up a lunch with him and all the design interns at Mountain View this summer (there isn’t many of us lol). It’s crazy because it worked out! Atom was full so we ate lunch at Victoria. Most of the interns showed up and it was awesome! “This is the first time I’ve had lunch with interns,” he said. Some topics included his career path where he started in the gaming industry as well as his vision for the future of design at Google. He gave us great advice knowing that we were going to be the next big names in this industry. Thanks Matias.

“We are blessed to do incredible work.” — Matias Duarte

