Alan Lew — Interview

Regina Clarke
So, My Friend, Why Do You Write?
15 min readApr 1, 2022


…Alan at a Chinese tea ceremony in the central mountains of Taiwan…

In his Medium publication New Earth Consciousness, Alan Lew writes: “Earth’s ascension to a spiritual 5th Dimension is accelerating, bringing new opportunities to create a better world for all.”

His writing speaks often of our shift now into choosing to live in a higher frequency, one that makes peace and compassion and loving kindness the norm, a transformation out of destruction and suffering into creativity and spiritual wholeness. This outlook is one I share and it is what drew me to his publication last year. Alan published some of my writing. I, in turn, read more of his work and that of others who have written for the publication.

His answer to the last question in the interview “Who are you…” and his quotation from Lao Tzu sum up, I feel, the heart of Alan’s vision.

Reading from his own work:

Listen here

Welcome, Alan!

Please introduce yourself…tell us a bit more about you and how you got into writing for Medium.

My 33-year career in academia has been all about research and writing. I wrote many academic articles, book…



Regina Clarke
So, My Friend, Why Do You Write?

Storyteller and dreamer. I write about the English language, being human, the magic of life, and metaphysics. Ph.D. in English Literature.