By Audrey Cosson Photos Virginie Garnier

Coffee Pastel de Tres Leches

Iced Caramelito Coffee

SO Nespresso Editors
SO Nespresso
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2018


Preparation time: 30 minutes.
Cooking time: 35 minutes.
For the beverage: 4 capsules of Caramelito (4 x 40 ml) · 4 x 90 g ice cubes · 4 x 90 ml cold milk froth.
For the sponge cake: 4 eggs (separate whites from yolks) · 100 g granulated sugar · ½ tbsp. natural vanilla extract · 30 ml milk · 140 g flour (reserve a small portion to flour mould) · ½ tbsp. baking powder · 1 mango, peeled and sliced · butter (to butter the mould). For the coffee sauce: 200 g sweetened condensed milk · 70ml evaporated milk · 70 ml double cream · 1 large egg yolk · 1 capsule Caramelito (1 x 40ml). For the topping: vanilla-flavoured whipped cream.
· Preheat oven to 180° C (350° F, gas mark 4) • Beat the egg yolks with the sugar, vanilla extract and milk. Add sifted flour and baking powder. Beat the egg whites until stiff and add them to the first mixture. Pour the dough into a buttered and floured round pan 18.5 cm in diameter and bake for 35 minutes • Pour all the sauce ingredients into a blender and blend; add the Caramelito prepared espresso-style, blend again • Remove cake from oven, let it cool in pan, remove from pan and cut it in half horizontally. Soak the bottom half with sauce, arrange sliced mango on top. Cover with the top half of the cake, soak with sauce. Refrigerate • Frost the cake with the whipped cream. Serve with remaining coffee sauce.
· Enjoy with an iced coffee, prepared with a Caramelito (40 ml).
Place three ice cubes in a glass, pour the Caramelito on top, followed by the frothed milk.

