Thoughtful Insights on the Emotional Effects of Social Media

Charlotte Franklin
So Say (Some) Of Us
2 min readFeb 20, 2017

I happen to follow the Human Behavior tag here on Medium and while cruising through there this weekend, I found this fascinating series by Ben Bechar called The Social Media Epidemic:

We are comparing our ordinary lives to everyone else’s highlight reel and are now even foolish enough to compare ourselves to the rich and famous because we now have access to their world.

We lurk and react on social media, but we aren’t actually interacting. It’s easier to consume our highly curated feeds than it is to expend the effort to engage in an entertaining way with the live human beings around us.

The nature of social media actually makes debates more volatile because the subtle nuances involved in interacting face-to-face are missing. Issues become more polarized and anyone from anywhere can claim to be an expert and further muddy the waters.

When we limit ourselves to the stilted interactions of the online world, we miss so many chances for growth.

So what do you think, dear readers? Do you have any questions, comments, observations, or insights of your own to share? We welcome and encourage responses below.


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Charlotte Franklin
So Say (Some) Of Us

An occasional pearl of wisdom from a craggy chunk of sand.