How To Be A Writer While Working A 9–5

Francesca Villani
3 min readMay 22, 2022


It is possible to balance your day job and your author dream!

Girl laying on couch and typing on her laptop.
Girl laying on her couch and typing on her laptop.

I don’t think it’s too far-fetched of me to make the claim that the majority of aspiring authors have an existing job, and those of that majority understand that reaching the popularity status of authors like J. K. Rowling or James Patterson requires a season of squeezing writing into our lives wherever we can, and balancing that dream with an outside income. That being said, let’s get into five steps that help you work your day job and still be a writer;

Step 1: Understand Your Priorities.

Having the desire to write is only one factor. The desire itself does not have the ability to get the work done for you. Unless you are being intentional with your time and fitting writing in where you can, you can kiss a full-time author career goodbye. While it can be difficult trying to maintain time to write and full-time work (and your sanity, might I add), it is one of those temporary seasons that won’t last forever, a mountain that must be climbed, but will eventually descend.

Step 2: Find The Time Of Day That Works For You.

I’m sure you’ve heard it by many authors before who have claimed to do their best work as night grazes the sky, or in the very early hours of dawn. For a lot of these authors, they have the luxury of being able to focus solely on their writing. They’ve done the hard yards and are able to be more flexible with their hours as their author careers have progressed. Working full-time hours can be a limitation, or it can be used to fine-tune your character and thicken your skin when it comes to disciplining yourself. Whether it’s waking up extra early to get the creative juices flowing before work, using your lunch break as a writing session, or dedicating an hour or two before bed, finding the time where you are at your best creatively will take you yet another step closer to your dream future.

Step 3: Create A Routine.

Now that you’ve set your priorities and have found your perfect writing time, you are ready to create a routine for yourself. Organising yourself ahead of time so you aren’t spending half your dedicated writing time setting yourself up to write will make that time so much more effective in the long run. You will get more done in less time, and will actually enjoy it even more as a result.

Step 4: Stick To That Routine As If Your Life Depended On It Because In Many Ways, It Does.

Be strong; get that routine done every single day. There will be days where you fall, where you’ll be so exhausted that the very thought of writing sickens you. That’s okay. Listen to your body and don’t overwork yourself. You would rather take one day off to rest than spend a week off, or a month off, dealing with burnout.

Step 5: Don’t Look Too Far Ahead.

There is no use looking years in advance, or even months! You are putting stress on yourself that is unnecessary when you really think about it. Just look at today. Get today right. If you can do that, the pay off will be incredible. Just keep going.

