Colliding Universes: Embrace Change, 20–26 July

Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars
13 min readJul 19, 2024
Photo by Christina Isabella on Unsplash

The energy for the fourth week of July says that “change is in the air” and there is no avoiding this.

I am an intuitive coach and this is my energy report for the 20th to the 26th of July.

The visual I am getting is one of multiple Universes colliding. The guides are saying that I see multiple timelines intersecting, and I see them as Universes and collisions, because of how my eyes are equipped and conditioned to see. They are saying that many stories are coming together this month, and every story has the same end — the transformation of your energy and age-old patterns being released. This is happening to everyone whether they are consciously working on their energy or not.

There have been different stories unfolding in different areas of your life. One that has been about dredging and releasing shadows in the Capricorn area of your chart since 2008. Another that has been creating a subtle spiritual transformation since 2011 in the Pisces area of your chart. Electric, shock-filled, lightning-like changes in energy in the Taurus area of your chart since mid-2018, for people born between 1977 to 1980, welcome to your mid-life crisis. This energy will change to completely new themes over 2025 and 2026. And this month onwards needs to be looked at as the beginning of that final chapter being written in this book of change.

This final chapter requires of you two things, one that you look back at the stories over these years and second that you look at how these stories are impacting the emerging trust-based leadership systems that you are a part of. You would not be reading these words if you were not part of that shift in leadership, and the guides would like me to remind you that for them leadership is when you are in constant growth and movement, those that wish to be led by you will come in time.

Aries Rising / Sun / Moon- the shadows were in your career, the spiritual transformation through your subconscious beliefs and the shocks of change in your finances

Taurus Rising / Sun / Moon- the shadows were in your philosophy, the spiritual transformation through your networks and the shocks of change in your personality

Gemini Rising / Sun / Moon- the shadows were in your partnerships, the spiritual transformation through your career and the shocks of change in your subconscious

Cancer Rising / Sun / Moon- the shadows were in your intimate relations, the spiritual transformation through your philosophies and the shocks in your networks

Leo Rising / Sun / Moon- the shadows were in your body, the spiritual transformation through your partnerships and the shocks in your career

Virgo Rising / Sun / Moon- the shadows were in your creativity, the spiritual transformation through your intimate relations and the shocks in your philosophies

Libra Rising / Sun / Moon- the shadows were in your home, the spiritual transformation through your body and the shocks in your partnerships

Scorpio Rising / Sun / Moon- the shadows were in your environment, the spiritual transformation through your creativity and the shocks in your intimate relationships

Sagittarius Rising / Sun / Moon- the shadows were in your finances, the spiritual transformation through your home and the shocks in your body

Capricorn Rising / Sun / Moon- the shadows were in your personality, the spiritual transformation through your environment and the shocks in your creativity

Aquarius Rising / Sun / Moon- the shadows were in your subconscious, the spiritual transformation through your finances and the shocks in your home

Pisces Rising / Sun / Moon- the shadows were in your networks, the spiritual transformation through your personality and the shocks in your environment

These themes have been a long-standing theme for your life over the periods mentioned.

So now that we have this context of which timelines are coming together, let’s look at what is influencing the change this week and where this is impacting you specifically.

This week is a moment from which there is no return. In our analogy of the fruit, she has either been eaten or is well past the stage where she could be eaten and is therefore in the process of decay. Either way, she is on the road to fulfilling her purpose, namely, the seed she contains has to emerge.

The energy this week has three main characteristics that support this “no looking back now” situation.

First, you have seen your conditioning and in seeing this, you are clear on what you do not want in your life. And in that clarity comes the question, “So what do I want?”. This is a karmic moment and the energy available to you to move from here says you cannot achieve different things by following old methods. This is the first input into the change that the energy is demanding.

Second, the energy this week is creating pressure on your psyche to go beyond what you feel are your limitations. You are being reminded — through dreams, synchronicities or chance meetings that take you down memory lane — of the many ways you have overcome challenging situations in the past. It is developing within you, a belief about your ability to push against the current obstacles.

Third, you are being urged to listen to other’s stories as well. Whether through the content you consume or conversations, you are a part of, you are hearing stories that make you feel you either want something or make you realise that you do not want the situation you are dealing with.

All of these factors put together, create an environment of transformation where you understand that things cannot be the same and that you are ready to take the next step. The step you take comes from understanding what the timeline intersection in your specific chart is saying to you. At a general level, the step will be the right one if it meets the following criteria:

  1. You are doing it because it serves what lights you up. You have thought about it, asked your gut about it, discussed it with well-wishers and you know without a doubt that you will fall more deeply in love with yourself and your life if you take action in this direction. This action could be stepping into a new phase or stepping out of an old phase.
  2. Whatever you are doing, is a different approach from the way you would have handled the situation earlier. You can see, without a doubt that you are breaking a pattern. You’ve had enough of holding yourself small and keeping yourself back and you know that you just have to put your boat in the water and row.
  3. You either have a community that supports you or you are clear on the kind of community that needs to develop for you to feel supported. You are on the path of either strengthening the tribe you have or looking for the tribe you want.

Now let us look at what this means for each sign. For this, you need to look at your astrological chart or connect with me and I’ll let you know your top three signs. I use whole sign houses and Western astrology for this breakdown. Take what resonates.

  1. Your Rising sign is about you — your body, mind and soul. The question to ask is what is going on in my life?
  2. Your Sun sign is your career and themes related to your father and father figures. The question to ask is what is influencing my career or significant masculine relationships?
  3. Your Moon sign is your emotional space, your mother and mother figures. The question to ask is what is influencing my emotions or significant feminine relationships?

Look at all three signs to get a complete view of what is happening to you. Or you can look at your rising sign, which will provide you with the main themes.

Aries Rising / Sun and Moon — You have seen the conditioning in the themes around balancing your needs versus the needs of others. You have felt the need to let go of limitations around your home, roots, family and maternal figures, and to look at what you want for your career and status instead. The stories you are consuming are about creativity, fun, children or the child-like need for play in your life.

Summary: If I am an Aries rising then my career, belief systems and financial situation have seen transformation since 2008. Currently, I am looking at how I balance my needs vs others, what are the limitations at home that I need to let go of for my career and how this impacts my networks in a way that takes me out of old patterns.

Taurus Rising / Sun and Moon — You have seen the conditioning in the themes around balancing your daily work and physical routines with a healthy subconscious and sleep routine. You have felt the need to let go of limitations around your thought processes, communication style and immediate environment; and to look at what you want in terms of exploring the world, achieving a higher education and developing your philosophy on life. The stories you are consuming are about home, roots, family and maternal figures.

Summary: If I am a Taurus rising then my philosophies, friend groups and personality have seen transformation since 2008. Currently, I am looking at how I balance my routines, what are the limitations in my thought processes that hold me back from exploring the world and how this impacts my feeling of having roots in a way that takes me out of old patterns.

Gemini Rising / Sun and Moon — You have seen the conditioning in the themes around networks and the external perception of the work you are doing versus what feels creative and lights you up in terms of feeling fun and like play, almost romantic. You have felt the need to let go of limitations around your finances, self-worth and values; and to look at what you want in terms of partnerships, and shared resources. The stories you are consuming are about thinking processes, communication styles, sibling-related issues and stories relevant to your immediate living environment.

Summary: If I am a Gemini rising then my partnerships, career and beliefs have seen transformation since 2008. Currently, I am looking at how I balance expressing my creativity with the way my work is seen, what the limitations in my self-worth, finances and partnerships are and how this impacts my immediate living environment in a way that takes me out of my old patterns.

Cancer Rising / Sun and Moon — You have seen the conditioning in the themes around your career and status versus what feels like home, roots, and the conditioning experienced through maternal figures. You have felt the need to let go of limitations around how you define yourself, your personality and appearance; and to look at what you want in terms of intimate relationships and close associates. The stories you are consuming are about managing your finances, what self-worth means to you and a deep dive into your values.

Summary: If I am a Cancer rising then my intimate relations, philosophy and networks have seen a transformation since 2008. Currently, I am looking at how I balance career and home themes, what the limitations in my personality are in close relationships and how this impacts my self-worth in a way that takes me out of my old patterns.

Leo Rising / Sun and Moon — You have seen the conditioning in the themes around exploring the world, achieving a higher education and developing your philosophy on life versus your thought processes, communication style and immediate environment. You have felt the need to let go of limitations around subconscious beliefs and fears, self-sabotage and spirituality; and to look at what you want in terms of daily routines at work and for your physical body. The stories you are consuming are about defining yourself, your personality and your appearance.

Summary: If I am a Leo rising then my body, partnerships and career have seen a transformation since 2008. Currently, I am looking at how I want to explore the world, what the limitations of my fears and beliefs are and how this impacts my personality in a way that takes me out of my old patterns.

Virgo Rising / Sun and Moon — You have seen the conditioning in the themes around partnerships and shared resources versus how you look at your finances, self-worth and values. You have felt the need to let go of limitations around networks and the external perception of the work you are doing; and to look at what you want that is creative and lights you up in terms of feeling fun and like play, almost romantic. The stories you are consuming are about subconscious beliefs and fears, self-sabotage patterns and spirituality.

Summary: If I am a Virgo rising then my creativity, intimate relations and philosophy have seen a transformation since 2008. Currently, I am looking at partnerships, what the limitations of my networks are and how this impacts my belief systems in a way that takes me out of my old patterns.

Libra Rising / Sun and Moon — You have seen the conditioning in the themes around intimate relationships and close associates versus how you look at yourself, your personality and your appearance. You have felt the need to let go of limitations around your career and status and to look at what you want that feels like home, roots and what you want from maternal figures. The stories you are consuming are about networks, contributing to the community and goals.

Summary: If I am a Libra rising then my roots, body and partnerships have seen a transformation since 2008. Currently, I am looking at intimate relations, what the limitations of my career are and how this impacts the way the world sees my work in a way that takes me out of my old patterns.

Scorpio Rising / Sun and Moon — You have seen the conditioning in the themes around balancing your daily work and physical routines with a healthy subconscious and sleep routine. You have felt the need to let go of limitations around exploring the world, achieving a higher education developing your philosophy on life and to look at what you want in your thought processes, communication style and immediate environment. The stories you are consuming are around the themes of career and status.

Summary: If I am a Scorpio rising then my immediate environment, creativity and intimate relationships have seen a transformation since 2008. Currently, I am looking at my daily routines, what the limitations of my philosophy is and how this impacts my career in a way that takes me out of my old patterns.

Sagittarius Rising / Sun and Moon — You have seen the conditioning in the themes around creativity, play and romance mean to you versus your networks, the friends that surround you and the way your work is perceived. You have felt the need to let go of limitations around partnerships, and other people’s or shared resources and to look at what you want in terms of financial independence, self-worth and your values. The stories you are consuming are around the themes of higher education, philosophy, and exploring the larger world.

Summary: If I am a Sagittarius rising then my finances, home and body have seen a transformation since 2008. Currently, I am looking at what feels like fun, what the limitations of my partnerships are and how this impacts my desire to explore the World in a way that takes me out of my old patterns.

Capricorn Rising / Sun and Moon — You have seen the conditioning in the themes around roots, family, home and maternal figures versus your career and your status. You have felt the need to let go of limitations around intimate relationships and your concern for others and to look at what you want in terms of yourself, your personality and your appearance. The stories you are consuming are around the themes of partnerships, debt, shared resources and sex.

Summary: If I am a Capricorn rising then my personality, immediate environment and concept of fun have seen a transformation since 2008. Currently, I am looking at my roots, what the limitations of my intimate relationships are and how this impacts my partnerships in a way that takes me out of my old patterns.

Aquarius Rising / Sun and Moon — You have seen the conditioning in the themes around your thought processes, communication style and immediate environment versus exploring the world, achieving a higher education and developing your philosophy on life. You have felt the need to let go of limitations around daily routines concerning your work and physical body and to look at what you want in terms of changes in beliefs, time by yourself, shifting fears. The stories you are consuming are around the themes of intimate relationships, close associates, and marriage.

Summary: If I am an Aquarius rising then my beliefs, finances and roots have seen a transformation since 2008. Currently, I am looking at my communication style, my daily routines and how this impacts my intimate relationships in a way that takes me out of my old patterns.

Pisces Rising / Sun and Moon — You have seen the conditioning in the themes around your finances, your self-worth and your values versus partnerships, shared resources, debt and sex. You have felt the need to let go of limitations around creativity, play and romance and to look at what you want in terms of networks, the way the world sees your work and friends. The stories you are consuming are around the themes of daily routines for your work and body.

Summary: If I am a Pisces rising then my networks, personality and immediate environment have transformed since 2008. Currently, I am looking at my finances, what feels like creativity and how this impacts my daily routines in a way that takes me out of my old patterns.

What is happening now is setting us up to navigate the energies of August that will ensure we have all the checks and balances in place on this new path. I would recommend a journalling practice to help you understand the changes being brought about in your system. Sometimes, these are not so obvious or we resist seeing them because we are not sure, they are taking us where we want to go.

The point is to be aware, the rest will unfold as the journey progresses.

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Do let me know how this resonates and I will see you in my next article next week!



Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars

I am an intuitive coach. I report on the energy weekly and monthly through downloads from the guides. These reports are informed by astrology and human design.