Embrace Collaboration: Dropping the Masks, 3rd to 9th August

Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars
9 min readAug 2, 2024
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

The energy for the first week of August in the Soap Opera of the Stars says, “collaboration”

I’m an intuitive coach and this is my energy report for the 3rd to the 9th of August.

While researching this week’s transits, I got a clear download from the guides. It said,

You are all having a collective experience of changes having sped up. You are all at different stages of feeling miserable yet you continue to wear the masks that keep you “functional”. Drop those masks, allow your vulnerability to be expressed, allow yourself to receive help, and change the narrative.

It made me a little worried, I am a part of the collective and I worry about having to “ask for help”. I was told that it was about collaboration. If everyone is dealing with the process of change, and admittedly change is hard then everyone needs something. And there is always someone who has learnt a different lesson and needs to learn what you have. It’s like barter, but for emotional support. And if you are willing to express your vulnerability and let your mask down and say, “I am feeling challenged, I want some advice.”, in all likelihood, the support you receive will be astonishing.

According to the guides, the cure to the loneliness epidemic is to let go of that mask of having it all together. And here is how to do it in a way that feels and keeps you safe.

Step 1 is to understand why collaboration is needed. You accept in material terms that you require resources from external sources. You moved from a society where everyone attempted to do everything themselves to one where you traded services and goods. Similarly, you are aware that energy from past lives, the set-up of the current lifetime and what has been passed on from the ancestors come together to create the particular gifts and shadows that make you. Is it not then logical, that you cannot have everything and you need to allow the gifts of others to relieve you of your shadows and use your gifts to relieve others of their shadows? This is coexistence, it is the way the world has been created. You see it all around you in the way nature works. The first step is to acknowledge that you have gifts and you “need” gifts.

Step 2 is looking at the belief systems that form the basis of why you have the mask on. Look for the shame you feel and that voice telling you that you “should” have it together in a particular area of your life. Some of you feel shame about the state of your relationships, some finances, some of your body, some of your education, some spiritual progress, for some your sexual preferences, and for some your existence itself; this will show up differently for different persons, but this applies to all. The guides are saying, shame is a common feeling. Your feelings are what make you all the same. Use shame to identify, where you need to express that vulnerability and ask for that support.

Step 3 is to identify who will provide you with a safe space for this communication. Once more, look at the “shoulds” — you may feel a particular person “should” be the one to help you. Usually, you feel this way because the person and you have a relationship that allows for the expectation of that help coming from them. They may however need the help you are looking for even more than you do. If you are honest with yourself, you may find that your expectation is correct (yay!). Alternatively, you may also find that your expectation is what is keeping you stuck in the first place.

For example, you may be looking at your partner to regulate your nervous system, and they may be the reason for the dysregulated nervous system in the first place. The solution here is to find ways outside of the partnership to regulate your nervous system and then see if you and your partner can maintain that space for each other. The step is to look for a safe space that may look like therapy, books, a random reel or YouTube video or a conversation with a friend.

The point of Step 3 is to find clarity on the spaces where you can take that mask off and be vulnerable. Without Step 3, your attempt will be half-hearted and keep you stuck in the loop of “functionality” and in the words of the guides “mediocrity”.

In the analogy of the seed, it is lying on the forest floor, trying to understand where its roots need to emerge from to find suitable material to keep growing. The old systems are on their way out and the guides are showing me contracts being torn up, as if to say more and more partnerships and associations are breaking up or finding new forms because they do not serve you anymore. As the consciousness of the planet continues to evolve, the patriarchal, control-based systems that have kept us in check are bound to fall apart. This is because the first step to freedom is individuation, it is understanding the fact that you are an individual who has a unique set of needs and desires and that you are worthy of them.

This week’s energy is part of a karmic seeding moment for everyone and is about learning from each other’s experiences. The guides are saying, that you can learn from other’s mistakes, you do not need to follow the dictates of “this is how it was always done”, and you can find your path and the tribe that walks with you on this path. Look at your experiences as your badge of honour for being alive, accept them and allow others to learn from them.

Let us look at what this means for each sign. For this, you need to look at your astrological chart or connect with me and I’ll let you know your top three signs. I use whole sign houses and Hellenistic astrology for this breakdown. Take what resonates.

  1. Your Rising sign is about you — your body, mind and soul. The question to ask is what is going on in my life?
  2. Your Sun sign is your career and themes related to your father and father figures. The question to ask is what is influencing my career or significant masculine relationships?
  3. Your Moon sign is your emotional space, your mother and mother figures. The question to ask is what is influencing my emotions or significant feminine relationships?

Look at all three signs to get a complete view of what is happening. Or you can look at your rising sign, which will provide you with the main themes.

Aries Rising / Sun / Moon — You need to ask for help in the themes related to your daily routines for your work and your body and what you consider duties. Shame is triggered around self-expression, pleasure, creativity, children, and romantic pursuits. You find your safe space in self-worth, your values, and how you manage your material and financial resources.

Taurus Rising / Sun / Moon — You need to ask for help in the themes related to self-expression, pleasure, creativity, children, and romantic pursuits. Shame is triggered around family, roots, your mother or a maternal figure, your sense of belonging, what you call home and your support systems. Your safe space is in you — your outlook on life, individuality, self-awareness and your appearance.

Gemini Rising / Sun / Moon — You need to ask for help in the themes related to family, roots, your mother or a maternal figure, your sense of belonging, what you call home and your support systems. Shame is triggered around your communication style, your thought processes and / or learning style, you may feel triggered by siblings and your immediate environment. Your safe space is in your belief systems — what you are afraid of, your subconscious mind, your self-sabotage patterns, your ability to be by yourself, and your spiritual beliefs.

Cancer Rising / Sun / Moon — You need to ask for help in the themes related to your communication style, your thought processes and / or learning style, you may feel triggered by siblings and your immediate environment. Shame is triggered around the management of your finances and material resources, self-worth, and values. Your safe space is in your networks, not just friends, but the communities you are a part of and are aligned with the way you think or your interests.

Leo Rising / Sun / Moon — You need to ask for help in the themes related to the management of your finances and material resources, self-worth, and values. Shame is triggered around — you — your outlook on life, your individuality, your self-awareness, your appearance. Your safe space is in your status, worldly achievements, father or father figures, your sense of mission or career.

Virgo Rising / Sun / Moon — You need to ask for help in the themes related to you — your outlook on life, your individuality, your self-awareness, your appearance. Shame is triggered around your belief systems — what you are afraid of, your subconscious mind, your self-sabotage patterns, your ability to be by yourself and your spiritual beliefs. Your safe space is in your ethics, your desire to learn, your higher mind and philosophy.

Libra Rising / Sun / Moon — You need to ask for help in the themes related to belief systems — what you are afraid of, your subconscious mind, your self-sabotage patterns, your ability to be by yourself and spiritual beliefs. Shame is triggered around your networks, not just friends, but the communities you are a part of that are aligned with the way you think or your interests. Your safe space is in shared resources, partnerships, big business, and spiritual transformation.

Scorpio Rising / Sun / Moon — You need to ask for help in the themes related to your networks, not just friends, but the communities you are a part of that are aligned with the way you think or your interests. Shame is triggered around your status, worldly achievements, father or father figures, your sense of mission or career. Your safe space is in your intimate relationships, close associates, and people who you share concerns with.

Sagittarius Rising / Sun / Moon — You need to ask for help in the themes related to your status, worldly achievements, father or father figures, and your sense of mission or career. Shame is triggered around your ethics, your desire to learn, your higher mind and philosophy. Your safe space is in your daily routines for your work and your body and what you consider duties.

Capricorn Rising / Sun / Moon — You need to ask for help in the themes related to your ethics, your desire to learn, your higher mind and philosophy. Shame is triggered around shared resources, partnerships, big business, and spiritual transformation. Your safe space is in self-expression, pleasure, hobbies, creativity, children, and romantic pursuits.

Aquarius Rising / Sun / Moon — You need to ask for help in the themes related to shared resources, partnerships, big business, and spiritual transformation. Shame is triggered around your intimate relationships, close associates, and people who you share concerns with. Your safe space is in family, roots, your mother or a maternal figure, your sense of belonging, what you call home and your support systems.

Pisces Rising / Sun / Moon — You need to ask for help in the themes related to intimate relationships, close associates, and people who you share concerns with. Shame is triggered around your daily routines for your work and your body and what you consider duties. Your safe space is in your communication style, your thought processes and/or learning style, your siblings and your immediate environment

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Or connect with me on asoneis.pn@gmail.com for more on what I do!

Do let me know how this resonates and I will see you in my next article next week!



Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars

I am an intuitive coach. I report on the energy weekly and monthly through downloads from the guides. These reports are informed by astrology and human design.