Energy Report, June Week 1, 1st — 7th June 2024

Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars
9 min readMay 31, 2024
Photo by Vivek Doshi on Unsplash

The energy for the first week of June in the Soap Opera of the Stars is saying, “own your speciality.”

I am an intuitive coach, and this is my energy report for the 1st to the 7th of June.

In May, the guides started sharing the analogy of the rocket of your Self-expression and how you had built the foundations in the months prior to launching it. You were then apparently able to launch it, moved through Earth’s atmosphere, orbited for a week, and finally, last week, you moved out of orbit and started falling towards the destination that is magnetizing you to it. (previous reports available on my YouTube channel)

Now the guides are talking about the members of the crew who, in this week of June, need to acclimatise themselves for their new working and living conditions. Some of them are old hands and have been in space before, and some of them are new. However, each of them has a specific and very critical role to play in making sure the rocket reaches its destination. These crew members refer to you as well as parts of your psyche.

In reference to you, what the energy seems to be saying is that you are critical to what is happening in the movement of energy on the planet. Your focus contributes to the light and shadow of what is going on, and both are important. And this is where the reference moves to the psyche, where it is important to see that the different parts of yourself are important to being all of you. You may mask it and keep it hidden, but eventually, like in the case of Penelope in Bridgerton, the mask must drop and the truth be known.

What truth? The truth that you matter and every part of your psyche matters.

Just like Penelope experienced, in the beginning, the masks and holding on to keeping the shadows in your psyche secret are important and even helpful. After all, who would have taken Lady Whistledown seriously if everyone knew who she was?

The guides are using this analogy to explain what everyone experienced in 2020. You kept being made aware of your masks and secrets, and at the same time, you could no longer distract yourself from the vulnerability within. Whether the pandemic saw you stuck in a home full of people or it saw you all alone, everyone experienced the cracks in their masks and the whispers of their shadows, leading them to question the status quo — the norm — the supposed “way” of doing things.

And as the questions continued to push at your rational framework, you started not just seeing the limitations but also what you truly wanted in your life and for the world. Because it is in contrast that what we want can really be understood. Shadow explains light, and the heaviness of secrets uncovers the lightness of truth. The lack of peace in your life helps you understand what would give you peace. And so it was that you saw with clarity the truth, just like Eloise saw Penelope in Season 2 of Bridgerton.

And this is what 2021 did. While all over the world the second and third waves crushed spirits, the vaccine brought light, hope, and movement. It was a year of contrasts. On the one hand, we had greater clarity on who we were and what we wanted. We even tasted some of that when the world opened up a little, and then it was taken away. Once again, we gained clarity more in the not having of what gave us that joy. Look back to the day you got the vaccine (if you did get it). What were you thinking about doing? Travel? Meeting loved ones? Getting out of the house? That is a clear clue on what gives meaning to your life.

Let’s look at our Bridgerton example where Penelope hid her identity by doing to her best friend, Eloise, what she would never have done had her secret not been so important to her. A girl rejected by society found a voice so powerful she had the Queen competing with her. How could she give that up, even at the cost of friendship and love? And it is in losing that friendship that Penelope was forced to ask herself — was it worth it?

And therefore, you are being asked what the contrast of your life has shown you? What is dear to you? What are you willing to go through to protect that which is dear to you? And is that price worth paying? If not, why do you keep paying it?

When I was researching the astrology and human design for this week, I was struck by a sentence: “If you are always learning, you will never achieve Mastery.” When you go through years, months, weeks, days, even hours and moments that are difficult and the reason for that difficulty is not clear, those of you who are on the self-development path often say, “there must have been something for me to learn.” Or there is this saying: “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” I asked the guides what their take on this is, and this is what they had to say:

You don’t just learn a lesson and move on to the next one. That is not how the Universe is set up.

Step 1: You learn a lesson, and you get clarity on what you want through that lesson.

Step 2: The part where you ask yourself, do you feel worthy of what you want? Can you own what you want? Can you shout it from the rooftops that you want that? Or do you keep it hidden because you are not sure what you want will be allowed by those that constitute your world?

And this apparently was 2022 on the world scale. We were asked to look at whether we really valued ourselves enough to give ourselves permission to move towards what we had become clear we wanted.

For example, Penelope wanted to “fit in.” She wanted what every other girl in that age and society wanted. But she was ridiculed for wanting it because a young girl that looked and behaved like her was not “allowed” to have it. And so she chose to use her intelligence, which was also not allowed in that day and age, to get a taste of feeling like she mattered. She still did not “fit in” as Lady Whistledown, but at least she was relevant and noticed — even feared.

Step 3: Accepting your shadow — your shadow is a part of you that is a unique, beautiful, glowing gift you have brought onto the planet — which you felt was not allowed. That if you were to even want to express yourself that way, would be canceled by those who claim to “know better.” And therefore, it expresses itself in ways that are rebellious and shocking, even to you. Until you accept it is there, acknowledge its contribution, and look at it as a valuable part of you.

You stop fearing what the world will say when it sees your shadow

Which is what Penelope does. She says to hell with the world, “tonight, I’m going to go for something different,” and she changes her look. It’s the same society, and she is still ridiculed, but she is also noticed. And there are those who notice her and validate her wanting what she does. And that is the first step of her journey to claiming what she really, really wants.

Step 4: And this was 2023 when you were asked, are you really going to keep hiding? Is that really working out for you? What can you do differently? Can you take that little step? The guides are saying that if you were to look, you will see that everyone has taken a little step in a direction closer to what they want. They may still have the Cressidas of the world ripping their dresses, but they also have their Eloises standing up for them, albeit without them knowing about it.

Step 5: So what is 2024 about then? Just like the second half of Bridgerton, the planets have a little trailer. If you have learned about what you want and figured that you are worthy of wanting it, then here is where you keep going at it until you master it. The guides are saying that is what patterns are. You have to keep going at it, just like Penelope kept working to find a husband until you crack the code. And the first half was just this — showing you your patterns so that you cracked the code.

The guides are saying, you are all feeling that you have cracked the code, in some area of your life. A code that involved some or multiple patterns, and that now is the time when, like the astronauts and like Penelope, you understand you are special, you are unique in your contribution, you are critical in how you shape the energy of this world, and you need to step into being a Master of this new version you are becoming.

As is often said, you need to be the change you want to see on this planet. If there is no one else talking about what you think is important — use your voice. And while the energy urges us to speak about where we are at, it comes with a warning. Use your voice with care. You can be the Penelope that hides in the shadow of Lady Whistledown and ruins as well as loses a friend. Or, for that matter, lurks in the shadows and overhears the love of her life rejecting her to look cool.

Or you can be the Penelope who, tear-streaked, lets her guard down to that very same love of her life, uncaring of rejection, just because she knew that what she wanted more than anything else was that she should not die without being kissed. That vulnerability changed the trajectory for her, and that is the same vulnerability that will change it for you, is what the guides are saying.

When you can like Penelope, from the depths of your heart, bring to the surface your deepest fear. When you can see that deep want on the other side of the fear and know yourself to be worthy of receiving that. And when you go out there and ask despite the possibility of rejection just because you are willing to pay the price. It is then that you find the meaning of all you have been through and are now a Master of what you set out to learn.

Even as a Master, life will still unfold, and you do not know what the end of the story is, but you will have changed the trajectory of your life to moving in the direction of claiming what you want. You will not be afraid of your shadows any longer because you will not care who sees them and who doesn’t. You will not need approval to be you.

In summary, you are on the brink of receiving all you have been asking for. Make sure your focus is clear, and your voice is used in an empowered, honest, and kind way. You need to claim space but also give space — a fine balance.

I would love for you to want the next episode of the Soap Opera of the Stars with as much excitement as I’m waiting for the next part of Bridgerton Season 3. And if you do feel that way, please let me know. It really would make my day.

Energy Reset:

The guides are showing me the heart center once more and a little cage within it. In this cage flutter some beautiful butterflies; they are the butterflies of all the things you want and feel you cannot have or deserve.

I am being shown an ancestral wound here. One that is experienced by the whole planet and was set up millennia ago when human beings realized that if they wanted the protection and support of living together, they needed to adjust their dreams to fit in with those of others.

It was a matter of adjustment and waiting for the right time, which has been corrupted by the emergence of power centers to become a cancellation of the Human Being. Also, the reason we live in society is now more about connection than protection, and you have more freedom to be your unique creative Self.

And as all of this is being said, feel the butterflies being released and see them fly in their beautiful colors and patterns. If you have heard this energy reset, then definitely capture your insights and dreams over the next 72 hours. Let me know what happens and how you felt this clearing.

Photo by Shiebi AL on Unsplash

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Do let me know how this resonates and I will see you in my next article next week!



Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars

I am an intuitive coach. I report on the energy weekly and monthly through downloads from the guides. These reports are informed by astrology and human design.