Plot Twists Revealed, Intuitive Report, 10th — 16th August

Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars
11 min readAug 9, 2024
Photo by Poul Cariov on Unsplash

The energy of the second week of August in the Soap Opera of the Stars is saying, “experience is life”

I’m an intuitive coach, and this is my energy report for the second week of August. This report is an intuitive download from the guides informed by astrology and human design.

Look back to the period between 17th July and 4th August, what was happening in terms of communication, what were you thinking about at this time? Have you made any decisions based on this thought process? Did something happen as a result of your communication (or lack of it), at this point. You are going to be reviewing, re-evaluating, and re-looking at this period between the 4th to the 29th of August. So expect a do-over. This can show up as new information coming to light. It could be that you were too close to the situation and are now seeing it from a different perspective. This could show up as old conversations starting up again, or someone else in your life wanting to make amends. Remember if it involves a re-anything, then this is on account of the energy right now and till the end of August.

I would also add that from 29th August to 9th September, you will once again be acting on the same topics. The reason to share this is not to say “don’t do something”. Life goes on — contracts must be signed, travel must happen, work goes on, discussions with partners must happen etc. The point is to stay aware that this is a time for re-evaluation and redoing and so what you think is done, may need to be done again. As long as you have that awareness and this does not come as a surprise, you will manage just fine. The awareness may help you avoid the re-doing altogether.

This is also a time to slow down. Right now charging ahead will cause more delays than progress and therefore take the time to review, reconsider and relax around things. The insights you may receive and the growth that will enable may surprise you. We get so caught up in the mind that we forget to take the strategic, long-term and all-inclusive view. This results in errors that were avoidable had we just taken a moment to breathe.

What is also getting a review this week, is a “father-wound” that the guides asked us to look at in the third week of July. That wound is getting the healing balm it needs this week. The guides are saying “father” wound does not necessarily mean “because of the father”. This is a wound to your autonomy, your sense of agency, and your sense of being an individual and has been caused by a masculine authoritarian person or system. They are avoiding the word patriarchy and saying it needs to be understood in more depth.

They are saying that the masculine is an action-oriented energy that in its shadow values control because it cannot handle chaos. Therefore, when the masculine is out of balance it cannot tolerate free thinking, free will, and empowered individuals around it because that is the very definition of chaos and lack of power.

Look at where you are holding yourself back, feeling small, feeling bound to be a certain way in structures that reflect this masculine energy. On the other hand, look at where you are propagating this system by fear and control-based communication that you have been conditioned with. There is no judgment here, just an awareness and the letting go of belief systems keeping the collective stuck.

We are all involved in moving the collective from control-based systems to trust-based systems. The reason we are all involved is because we have all colluded to create the current system. Whether we are the victim, the perpetrator or the rescuer. Every one of us is equally responsible in the effort of breaking out of the drama triangle and helping others out of it.

This leads us to the most important energy of this week, which is a feeling of impatience or overconfidence or a sense of hurry to change your experience. Connected to this will be a feeling of frustration and limitation. The guides are saying neither of these feelings is necessary. The shift here is to look at everything as a process and to look at yourself as a Being connected to a vast Universe. In the analogy of the seed, it has put down roots and they are finding nutrition in the space around them. The seed needs to wait for that nourishment to strengthen it before it can begin to grow towards the surface and this requires a few things to look out for -

  1. All of life is experience — experiences can be mundane and boring, they can be fun and joyful and they can be horrific. Life on this planet includes the whole spectrum of experience. You may be able to tune out what you do not like, but that doesn’t make it not happen. And if it is happening, it is impacting the energy grid all around you and therefore you. This applies to world politics and wars and cruelty in your immediate environment that is tuned out as “negative vibes”. This also applies to the joy and ease and gratitude and kindness that is tuned out when you wish to hold on to the narrative that the world is an unsafe, dreadful place. The tuning out is triggered by the need for self-preservation and therefore a valid response to your conditioning. What is important here is to be aware that all may not be as you think it is, and that there are forces that impact you beyond what you control. Looking at this this way eases the fear that creates the need to tune things out. It enables an acceptance of the chaos that is the Universe, and an allowance to choose what we want to contribute to — the problem or the solution.
  2. Patience — this is a time to think, strategise, plan, look at the big picture, look at where you want to get to and what is the best path to get there. To look at what you need to pack or unpack to be supported in your journey ahead. The journey is assured, it is time to take a moment to support your future Self in being successful. The guides are saying this can be difficult advice when you feel on the verge of a breakthrough. And yet, that is exactly what the energy is cautioning you about. This is only a feeling of breakthrough and can end up in frustration. Work with the energy, take a step back, and allow the shift to be aligned with the fact that you are not completely ready to start growing to the surface as yet.
  3. Grace — this is multi-fold. It is about accepting that grace is all around you in the form of the guides, the angels and other Beings who are here to help and support you. Second, give yourself the grace of processing all your feelings right now — the excitement, the anxiety, the frustration — it’s all part of the experience and as mentioned in point 1, the denial of a thing doesn’t mean it’s not happening. The third is to extend that grace to others, we’re all in the same ship being buffeted by the same winds and we are all doing our best. So even if it is to say no, say it with grace. Or if someone wishes to rant, listen with grace.

Let us look at what this means for each sign. For this, you need to look at your astrological chart or connect with me and I’ll let you know your top three signs. I use whole sign houses and Hellenistic astrology for this breakdown. Take what resonates.

  1. Your Rising sign is about you — your body, mind and soul. The question to ask is what is going on in my life?
  2. Your Sun sign is your career and themes related to your father and father figures. The question to ask is what is influencing my career or significant masculine relationships?
  3. Your Moon sign is your emotional space, your mother and mother figures. The question to ask is what is influencing my emotions or significant feminine relationships?

Look at all three signs to get a complete view of what is happening. Or you can look at your rising sign, which will provide you with the main themes.

Aries Sun / Moon / Rising — You need to look at what is being brought up for review around themes of creativity, play, children, romance, and fun. This is also an area where you have a “father wound” that is being healed as you heal themes related to your individuality and sense of Self. You are feeling impatient to act related to themes in your immediate environment, communication and thought processes and are being checked by the need to be gracious about your subconscious beliefs and fears.

Taurus Sun / Moon / Rising — You need to look at what is being brought up for review around themes of family, roots, mother or maternal figures, and where you belong. This is also an area where you have a “father wound” that is being healed as you heal themes related to your belief systems. You are feeling impatient to act related to themes around finances, self-worth and values and are being checked by the need to be gracious in your networks and the way your work is viewed in the world.

Gemini Sun / Moon / Rising — You need to look at what is being brought up for review around themes of your immediate environment, communication and thought processes. This is also an area where you have a “father wound” that is being healed as you heal themes related to your networks. You are feeling impatient to act related to themes around your personality, appearance and individuality and are being checked by the need to be gracious in your career and status.

Cancer Sun / Moon / Rising — You need to look at what is being brought up for review around themes related to your finances, self-worth and values. This is also an area where you have a “father wound” that is being healed as you heal themes related to your career and status. You are feeling impatient to act related to themes around your subconscious beliefs, fears and closing chapters and are being checked by the need to be gracious in your need for expansion and growth.

Leo Sun / Moon / Rising — You need to look at what is being brought up for review around themes realted to your personality, appearance and individuality. This is also an area where you have a “father wound” that is being healed as you heal themes related to expansion and growth. You are feeling impatient to act related to themes around your networks, communities and your work in the world and are being checked by the need to be gracious in your partnerships, debt and shared resources.

Virgo Sun / Moon / Rising — You need to look at what is being brought up for review around themes related to your subconscious beliefs, fears and closing chapters. This is also an area where you have a “father wound” that is being healed as you heal themes related to your partnerships, shared resources and debt. You are feeling impatient to act related to themes around your career and status and are being checked by the need to be gracious in your intimate relationships, close association and balance what others need from you.

Libra Sun / Moon / Rising — You need to look at what is being brought up for review around themes related to your networks, communities and the way your work is seen in the world. This is also an area where you have a “father wound” that is being healed as you heal themes related to your intimate connections, close associations and balance what others need from you. You are feeling impatient to act related to themes around expansion and growth and are being checked by the need to be gracious in your routines for work and your body.

Scorpio Sun / Moon / Rising — You need to look at what is being brought up for review around themes related to your career and status. This is also an area where you have a “father wound” that is being healed as you heal themes related to your routines around work, body and your duties. You are feeling impatient to act related to themes around your partnerships, debts and shared resources and are being checked by the need to be gracious in your creativity, and play, areas related to children and romance.

Sagittarius Sun / Moon / Rising — You need to look at what is being brought up for review around themes related to your need for expansion and growth. This is also an area where you have a “father wound” that is being healed as you heal themes related to your creativity and play. You are feeling impatient to act related to themes around your intimate relationships and close associations and are being checked by the need to be gracious in your family, roots and relationship with maternal figures.

Capricorn Sun / Moon / Rising — You need to look at what is being brought up for review around themes related to your partnerships, debts and shared resources. This is also an area where you have a “father wound” that is being healed as you heal themes related to family, roots and relationships with maternal resources. You are feeling impatient to act related to themes around your routines for work and body and are being checked by the need to be gracious in themes related to your siblings, immediate environment, communication style and thought processes.

Aquarius Sun / Moon / Rising — You need to look at what is being brought up for review around themes related to routines for work and body. This is also an area where you have a “father wound” that is being healed as you heal themes related to the immediate environment, communication style and thought processes. You are feeling impatient to act related to themes around your creativity, play and romance and are being checked by the need to be gracious in themes related to your finances, values and self-worth.

Pisces Sun / Moon / Rising — You need to look at what is being brought up for review around themes related to creativity, play, fun and romance. This is also an area where you have a “father wound” that is being healed as you heal themes related to finances, self-worth and values. You are feeling impatient to act related to themes around your family, roots, and relationship with maternal figures and are being checked by the need to be gracious in themes related to your appearance and individuality.

The best way to use these inputs is to journal about what you need to be aware of this week based on the energy for your specific sign. Then look at how this connects with your learning from last week. Also look at how this fits into the overall movement for August for your sign.

If you would like to join the weekly study group where we discuss these transits, please mail me

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Do let me know how this resonates and I will see you in my next article next week!

Photo by Mihály Köles on Unsplash



Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars

I am an intuitive coach. I report on the energy weekly and monthly through downloads from the guides. These reports are informed by astrology and human design.