Reaping Karma in August, Embrace Transformation

Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars
6 min readJul 31, 2024
Photo by Bekah Russom on Unsplash

The energy of August is a journey to reaping the fruits of karma.

I am an intuitive coach and this is my energy report for the month of August.

August is book-ended by what seems to me like karmic moments. August begins by saying the collective is changing, whether you are feeling it as a tremor or a volcanic explosion, there is no sidestepping the change. By the end of August, the energy says, ask and you shall receive, like a kind tutor assuring you that you have all the inputs and now only need to practice bringing your dreams into reality.

The change here refers to moving from control-based systems to more trust-based leadership systems. The guides have made it their mission to pave the way week after week to your being the kind of leader who feels confident in saying the right words to the right people at the right time. Leadership here is defined as any person who continues to be in movement and follows a growth path.

I am being shown a continuation of the journey of the fruit you followed through July. It is now in seed form and growing to its potential.

August Week 1 is an acknowledgement that things have changed. The triggering of the wounds from the father figure continues to need attention and the healing is in accepting that there is a need for change in the collective. That patriarchal control-based relationships are on their way out and new systems need to find roots. The seed is lying on the forest floor, working out where best to allow its roots to emerge.

August Week 2 urges you to revisit the areas of wounding, this time while discussing it with others. The shame we hold in sharing experiences, that seem “not-so-positive” is part of the isolation required by control-based systems to stay in power. The energy this week urges you to look at your experiences as a collective story and to share them so others feel encouraged to add theirs to the communal pot. No one is untouched, no one is unscathed. This week it is important to understand that life is a compilation of experiences that you navigate. And there is no shame in this, only living. Like the seed that releases its roots and now must allow that tender little thing to find its way forward in the dark soil and to keep growing in the directions that allow a path of least resistance, not push against obstacles it is not yet capable of moving.

August Week 3 talks about how being materialistic isn’t all bad. It says very clearly, that results matter. You are entitled to every wish, goal, dream and want you have. The Universe wishes to express itself through you. Your purpose on this planet is to have the “asks” that you have, it helps the Universe expand. Each of you is unique and your unique set of desires enables the Universe to experience more of itself. So by all means — want, ask and trust that you will receive. What the Universe wants you to practice consciously, is to trust the “how”. If you want a career that makes you feel good, focus on feeling good, not “how” that will happen. Just like the seed trusts its roots to find their way and send back the nourishment it needs to start growing towards the surface.

August Week 4 looks at what lies on the other side of healing the wounding in your energetic centres and allowing your natural magic to unfold. The energy in this week feels like another karmic moment that says, it’s time to bring thoughts into reality. You have been told for too long that your voice does not matter if it is not saying what the rest of the world expects. That patriarchy-inflicted wound has been removed over these last few weeks and you can use this voice to ask for what you want and open yourself up to receiving. It feels like that moment when the seed succeeds in breaking ground, and pushes out its first two leaves.

There’s still a lot to be achieved, but this is a breaking-free moment, in the last week of August.

Let us look at what this means for each sign. For this, you need to look at your astrological chart or connect with me and I’ll let you know your top three signs. I use whole sign houses and Western astrology for this breakdown. Take what resonates for you.

  1. Your Rising sign is about you — your body, mind and soul. The question to ask is what is going on in my life?
  2. Your Sun sign is your career and themes related to your father and father figures. The question to ask is what is influencing my career or significant masculine relationships?
  3. Your Moon sign is your emotional space, your mother and mother figures. The question to ask is what is influencing my emotions or significant feminine relationships?)

Look at all three signs to get a complete view of what is happening to you. Or you can look at your rising sign, which will provide you with the main themes.

Aries Rising / Sun / Moon — Your healing happens when you balance the needs of others with your own. You feel more heard in your immediate environment, close relations, siblings, and neighbours.

Taurus Rising / Sun / Moon — Your healing happens when you balance your daily routines for your body and work with your sleep, rest, and spiritual needs. You feel more heard in how you value yourself and in your approach to the materialistic aspects of life.

Gemini Rising / Sun / Moon — Your healing happens when you balance your creative, fun, and romantic urges with how you want your contribution to be seen in the world. You then feel more heard in who you are and your personality.

Cancer Rising / Sun / Moon — Your healing happens when you balance your concept of home, family, and relationships with maternal figures with your career and status. You then feel more heard concerning your insecurities and need for privacy and rest.

Leo Rising / Sun / Moon — Your healing happens when you balance your communication style and expectations of your immediate environment with your need to explore the world, study further, and travel. You then feel more heard in how you want to be seen in the world and the networks you wish to belong to.

Virgo Rising / Sun / Moon — Your healing happens when you balance your finances, sense of self-worth, and values with the resources you share with others and your partners (business or intimate). You then feel more heard in your career and status goals.

Libra Rising / Sun / Moon — Your healing happens when you balance your own needs with your concern for others’ needs. You then feel more heard in your need to explore the world, higher learning, and travel.

Scorpio Rising / Sun / Moon — Your healing happens when you balance your sleep, rest, and spiritual needs with the routines that support your work and health. You then feel more heard in your partnerships (work or intimate) and in sharing resources.

Sagittarius Rising / Sun / Moon — Your healing happens when you balance how you wish to be seen in the world and your networks with your need for creative expression, fun, and romance. You then feel more heard in your intimate relationships, marriage, and contracts you are negotiating.

Capricorn Rising / Sun / Moon — Your healing happens when you balance your career and status goals with your home, family, and expectations of maternal figures. You then feel more heard in the routines affecting your physical health and work.

Aquarius Rising / Sun / Moon — Your healing happens when you balance your need to explore the world, travel, and higher learning with your immediate environment and expectations from siblings. You feel more heard in being creative and wanting romance and play.

Pisces Rising / Sun / Moon — Your healing happens when you balance your need for partnerships and sharing other people’s resources with how you manage your finances, self-worth, and values. You feel more heard in your home, family, and in relationships with maternal figures.

February was a month where we came face to face with our shadows and August seems to be a month that takes us to the other side of those shadows, where gifts await.

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Do let me know how this resonates and I will see you in my next article next week!



Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars

I am an intuitive coach. I report on the energy weekly and monthly through downloads from the guides. These reports are informed by astrology and human design.