Sparking Initiative, 29th June — 5th July, Intuitive report

Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars
9 min readJun 29, 2024
Photo by Timur Kozmenko on Unsplash

The energy for the first week of July is all about “initiative”.

I am an intuitive coach and this is my energy report for the week of the 29th June to the 5th of July.

At the end of this report there is an energy reset channelled by the guides to help you release all that no longer serves you and download the energy being made available this week.

In the unfolding story of leadership that started when Mercury went Kazimi in its forward movement on the 14th of June, we have spoken about acceptance and resilience and have now come to initiative.

When we spoke about July, we said the first week was when the spark happens and the fruit falls off a tree.

The energy of initiative is a lot like that. If we look at how the brain works, we can understand better why all of this ties in together.

The brain is constantly making connections it gets a high whenever it makes a connection. So the brain scans the environment — external and internal looking for connections. It’s one of the reasons we feel good when we see synchronicities because the brain makes a connection between what we are thinking of and clues in the environment encouraging that thought process.

At the same time, the brain is taking notes about what it is observing and identifying whether that is familiar. Based on this connection identifying whether a situation is safe or not. When something is known, the brain says safe (even when the situation is not safe, only familiar). Consequently, if what the brain is observing is unfamiliar it says unsafe, even when this unfamiliar situation is safer than the familiar situation.

We are referring to emotional circumstances and not physical safety.

This is why we sometimes feel safe with partners and people who repeat the patterns of trauma we endured with caregivers, usually as we were growing up. It’s not safe, it’s just familiar. So the brain says — OK, we know how to handle this, we will work on managing this rather than having to deal with the uncertainty of a different situation that is uncharted territory.

Connections once formed in the brain cannot be disconnected. This is the whole reason habits require such an effort to change. The brain has developed a familiarity with a certain pathway and now wants to default to that pathway, it’s not just familiar it also takes less energy.

So the key when we want to do something new is working on a new pathway which when triggered often enough, will become as familiar as the old pathway. To create this new pathway, the brain needs an energetic pulse or in other words, a spark.

That pulse is what happens when we feel a moment of insight, as David Rock puts it in his book — How your brain works.

An insight is an ah-ha moment when neurons fire together on account of having figured out a solution that wasn’t as yet known, to a problem that the brain has been processing.

The energy of the insight when acted upon, is the initiative the guides are referring to. This initiative is powerful, it strengthens the new pathway that you have just formed.

So now let’s get back to the energy. For weeks you have been told that things are changing, that you are expressing more of who you are, and that you need to find the worthiness within you that allows the true expression of the unique purpose you are here to serve.

This week, events will make that crystal clear to you. The only caveat is these events may be sudden, shocking and perhaps explosive. Before your brain starts feeling threatened by this, let’s remind the brain that orgasms are also explosive — so explosive does not necessarily mean bad.

Where is this happening for you?

For a change, I am going through the signs of the zodiac to give you a little hint. For this, you need to look at your astrological chart, or connect with me and I’ll let you know your top three signs.

  1. Your Rising Sign — this is all about sparks in your system — body, mind, soul (What is going on in my life?)
  2. Your Sun Sign — this is about sparks in your career, and / or with your father and father figures (What is influencing my career / significant masculine relationships?)
  3. Your Moon Sign — this is about sparks in your emotional space, your sense of belonging, and / or with your mother and mother figure (What is influencing my emotions, my feeling safe, and /or significant feminine relationships?)

Look at all three signs for where you are seeing the need to take initiative, this may or may not be the same place where the spark happens, so keep an eye out for that theme as well. And once you see both, you can make the connection for where you need to be more yourself.

Aries Rising / Sun / Moon — the themes where there may be sparks, sudden insights and the energy for you to take the initiative, are around family, the home and your core identity. You may be feeling the need to find a solution that is unique to you which will help balance your needs with the needs of others. You need to address belief systems related to isolation, subconscious patterns and fears.

Taurus Rising / Sun / Moon — the themes where there may be sparks, sudden insights and the energy for you to take the initiative, are around communication, your thought process and what you are learning. You may be feeling the need to find a solution that is unique to you which will help balance your daily habits, routines and physical health with your call to spirituality, sleep patterns and need for space. You need to address belief systems around your goals, networks and the way the world sees your work.

Gemini Rising / Sun / Moon — the themes where there may be sparks, sudden insights and the energy for you to take the initiative, are around finances, how you make money, and how you value yourself. You may be feeling the need to find a solution that is unique to you which will help balance the way you view your networks, your goals and the external perception of your career with your need to express your creativity and have fun in life. You need to address belief systems around your career, and your status.

Cancer Rising / Sun / Moon — the themes where there may be sparks, sudden insights and the energy for you to take the initiative, are around your appearance, your body, your Self-awareness and the image you project. You may be feeling the need to find a solution that is unique to you which will help balance your career, status, and ambitions with your roots, home, parents and core identity. You need to address belief systems around your ethics, philosophy and exposure to the World.

Leo Rising / Sun / Moon — the themes where there may be sparks, sudden insights and the energy for you to take the initiative, are around your subconscious patterns, sleep, fears and isolation. You may be feeling the need to find a solution that is unique to you which will help balance your philosophies and desire to learn with the way you communicate, express yourself or learn. There could also be a need to balance travel with expectations from siblings. You need to address belief systems around your partnerships, other people’s resources, debt or sex.

Virgo Rising / Sun / Moon — the themes where there may be sparks, sudden insights and the energy for you to take the initiative, are around your networks, social situations, philanthropy, and the way your work is seen. You may be feeling the need to find a solution that is unique to you which will help balance your partnerships and shared resources with the way you earn money and feel valued. You need to address belief systems around intimate relationships, and boundaries with others.

Libra Rising / Sun / Moon — the themes where there may be sparks, sudden insights and the energy for the initiative are around your career, status and ambitions. You may be feeling the need to find a solution that is unique to you which will help balance your intimate relationships, negotiations and concern for others with your own needs, and the way you see and define yourself. You need to address belief systems around your habits, daily routines and body.

Scorpio Rising / Sun / Moon — the themes where there may be sparks, sudden insights and the energy for you to take the initiative, are around your philosophies, ethics and exposure to the World. You may be feeling the need to find a solution that is unique to you which will help balance your daily work routines, habits and body with your subconscious thought patterns, sleep and isolation. You need to address belief systems around creativity, romance, play and children.

Sagittarius Rising / Sun / Moon — the themes where there may be sparks, sudden insights and the energy for you to take the initiative, are around your partnerships, shared resources, debt and sex. You may be feeling the need to find a solution that is unique to you which will help balance your need for fun, romance, creativity, children and play with the way your work is seen in the World, your networks and social groups. You need to address belief systems around home, roots, family, and important female authority figures.

Capricorn Rising / Sun / Moon — the themes where there may be sparks, sudden insights and the energy for you to take the initiative, are around your intimate relationships, negotiations and concern for others. You may be feeling the need to find a solution that is unique to you which will help balance your concept of family, roots, and important women in your life with your career, ambitions and status. You need to address belief systems around the way you think, your siblings, and the way you communicate.

Aquarius Rising / Sun / Moon — the themes where there may be sparks, sudden insights and the energy for you to take the initiative, are the body, health and daily routines around work and duties. You may be feeling the need to find a solution that is unique to you which will help balance your communication, thought processes, and connections with siblings with the need to develop a philosophy, learn and your exploration of the World. You need to address belief systems around finances, and the way you value yourself.

Pisces Rising / Sun / Moon — the themes where there may be sparks, sudden insights and the energy for you to take the initiative, are romance, creativity, play and children. You may be feeling the need to find a solution that is unique to you which will help balance your finances and the way you value yourself with your partnerships, shared resources and debt. You need to address belief systems around your Self-awareness, personality and how you interact with the World.

In summary, this week is where you set off to fulfil your purpose by separating yourself from your comfort zones and established environments through this spark of insight that gives you the energy to take the initiative to individuate. Just like the fruit, now ripe must fall from the tree.

Photo by Sebastian Davenport-Handley on Unsplash

Energy Report

I am being shown feet, the instep and the calves, and I am being shown a lot of stress and tightness in that area. There is stress around who you want to be and how you want to express yourself versus how the world will see you and whether or not you gain the approval you need.

I am being shown that even those who have paved their own way, are still seeking approval from a sub-section of society called their “target audience”, in order to receive compensation for their skills.

I am being told that the energy that needs to be downloaded, is the ability to express yourself just for the sake of expressing yourself. While this is in no way easy, it is necessary to work on embodying and downloading this spirit, when we are stepping into a new world of more trust-based systems.

The need for approval keeping you stuck is only required in control-based systems.

You can run this energy reset every night this week for maximum impact.

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Do let me know how this resonates and I will see you in my next article next week!



Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars

I am an intuitive coach. I report on the energy weekly and monthly through downloads from the guides. These reports are informed by astrology and human design.