Wear Your Oxygen Mask: Game Changers, 27th July to 2nd August

Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars
5 min readJul 26, 2024
Photo by Yerlin Matu on Unsplash

The energy for the fifth week of July is a continuation of the fourth week, with an added note on “wear your oxygen mask”

I am an intuitive coach and this is my energy report for the 27th of July to the 2nd of August.

After last week’s in-depth report on energy, this week is much quieter, and it feels like the planets are continuing to consolidate the energy before we move ahead with the energy of August.

This week wraps up the journey of the fruit, where now the seed is in all probability on his own and the consciousness of the fruit is at peace having served her purpose.

The energy this week comes with two reminders.

  1. Remember what you learnt in the last week of April about wearing your oxygen mask. You are entering a new phase where the path of change is clear, and so is the journey forward. In this journey, unlike previous ones though, remember that your oxygen mask needs to be on first before you help anyone else. Given that these transformative shifts are paving the way for a significant number of years in the future — self-care, especially at the beginning where all is new and tentative, is mandatory.
  2. The other reminder is that you could not have stepped away from your conditioning and your patterns had you not felt worthy of better. This is an energy that needs to be nurtured and remembered. The healing in the space of your self-worth will continue to be a game changer for you.

Now let us look at what this means for each sign. For this, you need to look at your astrological chart or connect with me and I’ll let you know your top three signs. I use whole sign houses and Hellenistic astrology for this breakdown. Take what resonates.

  1. Your Rising sign is about you — your body, mind and soul. The question to ask is what is going on in my life?
  2. Your Sun sign is your career and themes related to your father and father figures. The question to ask is what is influencing my career or significant masculine relationships?
  3. Your Moon sign is your emotional space, your mother and mother figures. The question to ask is what is influencing my emotions or significant feminine relationships?

Look at all three signs to get a complete view of what is happening to you. Or you can look at your rising sign, which will provide you with the main themes.

Aries Rising / Sun / Moon — wear your oxygen mask when it comes to your finances and self-worth. The healing in your self-worth needs you to look at how you feel about creativity, play, children or your inner child and romance.

Taurus Rising / Sun / Moon — wear your oxygen mask when it comes to your personality and appearance. The healing in your self-worth needs you to look at how you feel about home, maternal figures, your parents, and your roots.

Gemini Rising / Sun / Moon — wear your oxygen mask when it comes to your subconscious mind and belief systems. The healing in your self-worth needs you to look at how you feel about your thought process, communication style and immediate environment.

Cancer Rising / Sun / Moon — wear your oxygen mask when it comes to your networks and how they see your work. The healing in your self-worth needs you to look at how you feel about your finances and status.

Leo Rising / Sun / Moon — wear your oxygen mask when it comes to your career and status. The healing in your self-worth needs you to look at how you feel about your personality and appearance.

Virgo Rising / Sun / Moon — wear your oxygen mask when it comes to your philosophies and needs to explore the World. The healing in your self-worth needs you to look at your subconscious mind, beliefs and fears.

Libra Rising / Sun / Moon — wear your oxygen mask when it comes to your partnerships, shared resources and debt. The healing in your self-worth needs you to look at your networks and how the world sees your work.

Scorpio Rising / Sun / Moon — wear your oxygen mask when it comes to your intimate relationships, negotiations and close associations. The healing in your self-worth requires you to look at your career and status.

Sagittarius Rising / Sun / Moon — wear your oxygen mask when it comes to your daily routines and body. The healing in your self-worth requires you to look at your philosophies, and the need to explore the World and acquire a higher education.

Capricorn Rising / Sun / Moon — wear your oxygen mask when it comes to creativity, fun and romance. The healing in your self-worth requires you to look at your partnerships, shared resources, debt and sex.

Aquarius Rising / Sun / Moon — wear your oxygen mask when it comes to home, parents, and maternal figures. The healing in your self-worth requires you to look at your intimate relationships, close associations and negotiations.

Pisces Rising / Sun / Moon — wear your oxygen mask when it comes to communication styles, siblings, immediate environment. The healing in your self-worth requires you to look at your daily routines and your body.

Have a good, soft week looking after yourself.

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Or connect with me on asoneis.pn@gmail.com for more on what I do!

Do let me know how this resonates and I will see you in my next article next week!



Pallavi Nath
Soap Opera of the Stars

I am an intuitive coach. I report on the energy weekly and monthly through downloads from the guides. These reports are informed by astrology and human design.