How to do the How-to

The Soaq App
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2015

You know what’s great about being human. We’re flawed. Our flaws are, in part, what make us who we are. They are what allow us to connect with one another. When you read a book you don’t want the protagonist to be perfect, you want to them to be flawed. It’s what allows us to project ourselves onto others. It creates empathy.

That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t improve ourselves, however. It’s important for us to accept our flaws, but also to improve on them. Arguably the biggest flaw with every single one of us is that we can’t or don’t want to admit that we don’t know something. We’re afraid of how people would react. For example, we might be afraid of how our boss would react and just say “yes” out of fear of being fired. Except, it’s OK to admit when we don’t know something and if you want to learn the right way to accomplish that task, there are always how-to videos out there.

Train yourself with how-to videos

The internet is packed with videos on how to do anything you’ve ever imagined. Do you want to learn how to fix a computer or your car? Do you want to learn how to tie a bow tie 75 different ways? There are videos out there to answer those questions.

What if I told you there was a way to bring those how-to videos into the workplace? With Soaq it can absolutely be done! The best way any organization can benefit from how-to videos is by using them to train new and current employees. The most frustrating thing is when you’re asked to accomplish a task but you’re told by two people, two different ways of doing it. Frankly, it’s ridiculous and doesn’t encourage a healthy working environment. It’s time to get rid of that corporate noise and streamline your enterprise. Using Soaq you’ll be able to have a singular platform that carries videos on how to get a specific task done. Nice and easy. No more miscommunication. It’s time to streamline your business and make it the well oiled machine it deserves to be.

Learn more how Soaq can make video work for your organization, and get friendly updates on our upcoming launch at



The Soaq App

Soaq is a private video platform that helps organizations feed the right video content to those employees who need it most, when they need it.