Story of a Former Mother

On this Mother’s Day

Nina Smith
3 min readMay 10, 2020


Last October, I gave birth to my first child; a beautiful baby girl. Within her first 24 hours of life, she was taken from me. When I say taken, I don’t mean that she was taken by God, passing away. I mean that she was physically taken away — Forcibly, and against my will.

There was nothing wrong with her, and there was nothing wrong with me either. I am not an addict, a hoarder, or an abuser. I don’t have a criminal record. I had the capability to care for her. To feed her. To love her.

But I never got the chance.

One of the worst parts is that I got pregnant with her against my will. I remember how they held me down with ropes and violated my body while I tried everything I could to escape. It was shocking. it was torture.

But then my daughter was born. From the moment I first saw her, I knew that I loved her. Suddenly, she was my world. All I wanted to do, for the rest of my days, was care for her. To make her feel safe and loved.

When she was taken, she was screaming. I was screaming. But the monsters that took her did not care. I ran after her, but they held me back. I kicked at them and screamed louder. They loaded her into a van, and I chased after it. I remember the back door of the van had a barred window, and I could see her face through it. I kept telling her that it would be alright, that I would get her out of there, that she’d see her mom again soon. But as these last lies left my mouth, I felt my heart break.

I know that she will face the same fate as me. She, too, will be forcibly impregnated. Her baby will be taken from her. She, like me, will be hooked up to a machine. It will take her milk, the milk that her body made to nourish her newborn. Her hair will be burned off, her tail docked. Her udders will become painfully infected. She will be subjected to this torture over and over again. I know this will happen to her because it’s happening to me now. I heard those monsters talking last night. I’m pregnant again. They say it’s a boy.



Nina Smith

University of Washington alumna giving voice to my passion.