Rare weather occurrence: Soar finds industrial snow in Hungary

Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2020

On very fine, cloudless, slightly breezy, but extremely cold days, if the right atmospheric conditions are met, industrial areas can produce snow.

Nearby factories that are producing a lot of localised heat, can cause steam and moisture to rise, coming into contact with near saturated air, which results in the creation of snow crystals, and there, snow falls further downwind. In most cases, no further away than 3–5km away.

Moreover, the total depth of the snow is seldom over 3–5 inches, spread unevenly across the affected area.

The snow is not dangerous or toxic.

Source: https://www.meteogroup.com/industrial-snow

Overview Location: Budapest, Hungary

Found on Soar: Industrial Snow in Budapest, Hungary

Soar is a free online platform that makes viewing dynamic and up-to-date satellite imagery possible for anyone — as well as incorporating other unique features for drone photographers and map-makers. Soar incorporates feeds from a suite of different satellites from NASA, the European Space Agency and more to allow users to ‘Discover your Earth’.

Below we used Soar’s neat ‘Area of Interest’ (AOI) tool to look at imagery from this region of Budapest complete with annotations.

Found on Soar: https://api.soar.earth/short/479191rr6
Found on Soar: https://api.soar.earth/short/sa942oo491

About Soar: Soar is on a mission to become the one-stop-shop for the collection, distribution, and monetization of mapping imagery from different sensors — thereby positioning itself to become the leading platform and marketplace for global mapping needs. By integrating imagery feeds from satellite, aerial sensors and drone content, Soar is building the world’s first living super-map.

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