Soar’s Global Super-map SPUR’d on by WA Government Grant.

Neil Prentice
Published in
1 min readNov 14, 2018

Soar has made further steps towards the commercialisation of its global Super-map with the awarding of a grant from the Western Australian State Government's SPURonWA program administered by Landgate.

Soar was one of 8 winners of the SPUR grants which are focused on the development of location-based technologies. The SPURonWA grant will assist Soar through supporting the legal and marketing aspects of Soar’s commercialisation activities.

“The SPURonWA grant is just another validation of Soar’s innovative approach to decentralised mapping on the blockchain” said Soar CEO Amir Farhand. “We appreciate the support that grants like this can provide to businesses like Soar who are developing new geospatial technologies.”

Soar is already advancing with its development and has released its Test Net demonstration at which allows users to upload and download drone images and now incorporates satellite imagery from the European Space Agency's Sentinel series of satellites. The release of Soar’s Main Net is planned for February 2019.

The original Media release by the Western Australian State Government announcing the SPURonWA grant winners can be found here.

