Progress over perfection

Day 9/28

Sean Geraghty
1 min readJan 15, 2021


Earlier this week I posted “Progress over perfection” on our Instagram page. For me, this is not only an important phrase but means even making what seem like the smallest incremental changes, iterations if you like, to form a better version of myself are a win. Whether this comes from a therapy session, completing another run or another successful day being more mindful about alcohol consumption whatever it takes these small improvements are just that, improvements. This means that every single day we can go to bed feeling like a better version of ourselves than the one that woke up that morning. I think this is truly one of the most powerful things that I’ve tried to learn over the last year. Smaller tweaks to my daily routine like ensuring I make time to meditate every day, through to seeing a therapist has made my life better. There’s no doubt in my mind that every single person reading this email can think of something they do every day that makes them a better version of themselves, even if you didn’t want to get up today, the fact that you did has made you a better person, cause you faced that adversity and have beaten it.

