Three stickers, one saying “Sober” the next “is” and the final “Cool!”

Introduction to Sober.FYI

Sean Geraghty
2 min readJan 15, 2021


January always feels like the toughest time to go sober. For me, January starts with a few catchups with friends, the first post-work drinks and my sister’s birthday. But this year, it’s different, we’re still living in lockdown and this year I think we’re all ready for a change. Afterall, Dry January is so 2020, having a Sober Month is much more 2021. We’re going to throw out the outdated notion that being sober is dull and instead work together to communicate that sober is cool.

I’ll start this off by saying I’m personally not 100% teetotal, I’m what Ruby Warrington calls “Sober Curious”. I spend a large portion of my year being entirely alcohol-free, normally for months at a time. My first fully “dry” month was January last year, I ticked through those work meetups, my sister's bottomless brunch and countless meals out without touching a drop of alcohol and it felt great.

We begin this year in different circumstances to ones before, whilst we stay inside to protect those around us, alcohol can seem like a route out. As we’re inside, and shielded from the public eye, we can let our resolutions, our commitments to ourself slide, so this year I want to commit more publicly. Not only for me but to try to band a few of us together, so we can do it as one, not alone.

