Why is 28 days enough? written alongside Sober.FYI logo

Why is 28 days enough?

Sean Geraghty
2 min readJan 15, 2021


If this is your first time going sober, you may find it tough, but I can assure you that it’s also something you’re more than capable of doing. The willpower, the motivation, the attitude it’s all inside you.

Four weeks also happens to be enough time for your body to begin to fully reset, clear the toxins away, get your skin feeling healthy, your stomach lining back to normal and even reduce your liver fat (by around 15%)! Four weeks was also enough time for me to personally notice the benefits that being sober bought to me. I felt fresher, I was sleeping better and I started to connect better with myself and the most important people in my life.

The idea here isn’t that you force your way through these four weeks to only go back on the 1st of February and binge away, but instead, we can use these four weeks to assess our relationship with alcohol and hopefully we can become more mindful drinkers together.

Four weeks also means we’ll go through four weekends together, four bigger temptations to drink and four humpdays where a glass of wine, or a bottle of beer, is only a short walk to the fridge away.

I’ll keep these newsletters going throughout and hopefully beyond with tidbits of advice, facts on sobriety a couple of checkins to see how you’re going and hopefully a few tasty cocktail recipes to boot.

