How Chapter 5 of the AA Big Book Can Help You Achieve Sobriety and Mental Health Recovery

Kieran Hurley
Sober Kieran
Published in
7 min readJul 31, 2023


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Mental illness can be a debilitating condition that affects every aspect of our lives. But it doesn’t have to be a life sentence. Chapter 5 of the AA Big Book talks about the journey to recovery and highlights the importance of honesty. In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into this topic and explore how honesty is truly the best policy for recovering from mental illness. As someone who has been on this journey, I can attest to the truth of this principle.

An Exploration of Honesty in Recovery as Explained in Chapter 5 of the AA Big Book

Chapter 5 of the AA Big Book talks about how people can recover from their alcoholism and addiction, but it is not limited to just those who are struggling with substance abuse. It also applies to those who are dealing with mental health issues. The chapter highlights the importance of honesty in the recovery process. Honesty with ourselves, with others, and with a higher power or source. Honesty is essential for recovery because it helps us to be accountable and honest about our feelings and experiences.

The AA Big Book also speaks of the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and not blaming others or outside circumstances for our suffering. Instead, we must take full ownership of our situation and find ways to create change. We need to have faith that with honesty, we can overcome our struggles and move forward with a renewed sense of hope for the future.

The AA Big Book also emphasizes that every individual is unique and should take their own path to recovery. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so it is important to find what works best for you. This could mean engaging with a therapist, attending support groups, or following a specific spiritual path. Whatever your journey looks like, make sure it is rooted in honesty and self-reflection.

The Power of Honesty — Why Being Honest With Yourself Is Essential for Mental Wellness

Many of us who suffer from mental illness may not realize that we are not being honest with ourselves. We hide behind masks and masks of various kinds; we act one way in front of others and another behind closed doors. We lie to ourselves about how we are feeling, what brings us joy, and what we truly want out of life. But honesty allows us to connect with our true being, and it helps us to acknowledge and accept our mental health challenges.

When we start to be honest with ourselves, we can begin to make progress on our journey toward mental wellness. We can confront the fears and negative beliefs that may have been holding us back for so long. We can be open to seeking help when needed from outside sources like a therapist or psychiatrist. And by being honest with ourselves, we can embrace the process of self-discovery and come to understand our strengths and weaknesses.

Honesty allows us to accurately assess our current situation, take responsibility for the choices we have made, and make better decisions moving forward. As we become more aware of ourselves, we can start taking constructive steps toward recovery and improved mental well-being. We can learn to manage our emotions in healthier ways, build meaningful relationships, and set clear boundaries.

No matter what your mental health journey may look like, it is essential to prioritize honesty in order to move forward. Honesty can help us recognize our feelings, motivations, and values. It can give us the courage to reach out for support when we need it. And it can empower us to make changes that will lead to greater fulfillment and joy. So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by your mental health struggles, start with honesty — you never know where it may take you!

If you need help on your journey toward mental health wellness, don’t hesitate to reach out for support from a professional or trusted loved one. Mental health professionals have experience helping individuals work through difficult emotions and thoughts and can offer tailored advice based on your unique situation. Additionally, talking to a friend or family member whom you trust can provide an invaluable source of support.

No matter what course you choose to take toward improved mental wellness, remember that it is always okay to take time for yourself and seek out help when needed. It’s important to remember that as long as you are honest with yourself and willing to take steps towards recovery, you can make progress in your journey toward mental health wellness.

In order to maintain your mental health wellness, it is important to practice self-care. This could include engaging in activities that bring joy, such as reading a book or listening to music.

The Power of Sharing Your Story for Mental Health and Sobriety

Honesty with others is also vital to recovery. Many of us have struggled with hiding our illness from others, fearing judgment and shunning. But the truth is, opening up about our struggles can be incredibly cathartic. When we are vulnerable and share our stories with others, we give them permission to do the same. This creates a safe space for us to connect authentically with others and reduce feelings of isolation and shame, which are common among those suffering from mental illness.

Sharing our stories can also help us to better understand our own journey. Writing or speaking about our experiences allows us to reflect on the past and gain insight into how we have been affected by different events in our lives. This in turn helps us make informed decisions when it comes to taking steps towards recovery and improving mental health wellness.

Sharing your story can be a powerful tool for inspiring and encouraging others. When we open up about our own struggles, we give other people the courage to do the same. This can help create a supportive community of individuals who understand and empathize with one another’s struggles. And when it comes to mental health and sobriety, having this kind of support system is invaluable.

Embrace Your Higher Power for a Satisfying Recovery Journey

Lastly, honesty with our higher power or source is essential. As AA highlights, it is critical to trust in the power that is greater than ourselves. We cannot recover from mental illness alone, and admitting that we need help is the first step. It takes a great deal of courage to submit to a force that we cannot see or touch. But having faith and trust in something greater than ourselves helps to provide us with a sense of peace and comfort as we navigate the ups and downs of the recovery journey.

We can also find strength in the knowledge that we are not alone. No matter what our struggles may be, there is always someone out there who has gone through a similar experience and come out the other side. We can draw courage from their stories and seek guidance from those around us to make sure we never lose sight of our potential for healing and wellness.

The recovery journey is ultimately about hope and resilience. It’s a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is still light at the end of the tunnel. With honesty, courage, and faith we can find strength to overcome any obstacle that comes our way. We may stumble now and then, but with perseverance and determination, we will reach our goal of a healthier, happier life.

This process requires patience and understanding. Mental health issues can be difficult to overcome but with the right lifestyle changes, we can find our way back to better days. Taking small steps towards our recovery goals every day will help us to stay on track and eventually reach our desired destination. As long as we never give up hope, there is no limit to what we can achieve.

No matter where we are in our recovery journey, it’s important to remember that better days lie ahead. We all have the power within us to heal and live a fulfilling life. With faith and courage, anything is possible. Together, we can make it through the toughest of times and emerge brighter than ever.

By believing in ourselves, and in each other, we can create a better future for everyone. So let’s keep striving towards that brighter tomorrow and never give up on our dreams of recovery. Together, we can make the world a more hopeful place!


Recovering from mental illness is not easy, but it is possible. It starts with being honest with ourselves, with others, and with our higher power or source. Honesty allows us to connect authentically with ourselves and others and creates a safe space for us to foster positive mental health. As someone who has been on this path, I can say with confidence that honesty is truly the best policy for recovering from mental illness. So, let’s continue to be truthful with ourselves and others, and let us have faith in something greater than ourselves. Together, we can overcome. It will take time, but it can be done!

No matter where we are in our journey, it’s important to remember that healing is a process — and one that should be celebrated. As we progress through recovery, so too does our self-esteem and appreciation for life. Let us give ourselves the grace for discovering and learning new things. Let’s trust our inner wisdom and honor the power of self-love.

We all have the capacity to heal and create a life of joy and abundance. No matter how difficult it may seem, we must never forget that better days lie ahead. With faith, courage, and determination — anything is possible! So let’s keep striving for recovery and create a world that is brighter than ever. Together, we can be the change!

