Why Going Sober Is the Best Decision You’ll Ever Make

Kieran Hurley
Sober Kieran
Published in
5 min readAug 6, 2023

Are you thinking about embarking on a sober journey? Maybe you’re questioning if it’s truly necessary or a good idea. Well, let me assure you: It absolutely is.

A Guide to Taking the Difficult Step of Choosing Sobriety for Yourself

If the thought of getting sober has crossed your mind, trust me, it’s worth considering. The fact that you’re even contemplating it shows that something within you recognizes the need for change. Don’t ignore that inner voice.

Now, I’m not here to preach about why everyone should quit drinking, nor do I judge those who choose to indulge responsibly. I used to love drinking myself, and I genuinely hope people can enjoy it without harm. However, for someone like me, sobriety was the lifeline that prevented me from ending up on the streets, behind bars, hospitals, or worse.

When I finally made the decision to stop drinking, it hit me that I had been grappling with that choice, evading it at every turn, for years. Despite the obvious havoc that alcoholism wreaked on my life — compromising my health, landing me in hospitals multiple times, draining my finances, and tearing apart my relationships — I hesitated to acknowledge the severity of the situation. In my addicted mind, quitting seemed like the most extreme route, so I kept trying to make drinking work, justifying my actions and ignoring the obvious signs.

The truth is, addiction cannot be contained. It spills over, affecting every aspect of your life.

One of the challenges I faced was the lack of a sobriety role model. I didn’t realize that young people like myself could choose sobriety and still lead fulfilling lives. I didn’t know that embracing sobriety didn’t mean sacrificing social connections or individuality.

So, if you’re contemplating life without alcohol, know that you’re not alone. There is a whole world of sobriety waiting for you — one that promises growth, self-discovery, and an authentic sense of freedom.

The Surprising Benefits of Living a Sober Life and How to Tap Into Them

When I first encountered someone who portrayed sobriety as practical and appealing, it seemed unimaginable. I believed that giving up drinking meant sacrificing everything I enjoyed — friendships, nights out, and a sense of adventure. Little did I know, sobriety offers much more than I anticipated.

Along this journey, I discovered that sobriety grants incredible benefits. Improved physical health, stronger and more fulfilling relationships, reduced regret, financial stability, mental clarity, and heightened productivity — these were just a few of the treasures awaiting me. Plus, the newfound strength, determination, discipline, and self-respect brought an unprecedented sense of purpose and dignity. Every morning, as I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I finally saw a face filled with self-assurance and contentment.

As I share my story, I hope to reach those who have never encountered the path of sobriety or have misconceptions about it. Sometimes, the most influential teachers are the ones who embody traits we previously believed to be incompatible. They show us an alternative way of living that we never considered before.

When I encountered young individuals who embraced sobriety, my perspective shifted dramatically. The notion that enjoying life and being sober were mutually exclusive shattered before me, opening the door to a whole new world.

The moment I committed to sobriety, my life underwent an instant transformation — simplicity, sweetness, and safety washed over me. The cycle of self-destruction and healing finally broke, replaced by true recovery. I experienced the clarity of mind, rested body, and overflowing heart that had long eluded me. For the first time in years, genuine joy permeated my being.

Within days of embracing sobriety, I knew I had made the wisest decision. Grateful beyond words, I stared at the reflection of my survival, feeling both shaken and humbled.

Amidst the newfound clarity and radiance — even in moments of discomfort — relief overwhelmed me. It became evident that during my drinking days, thoughts of sobriety consumed my mind. Desperately, I attempted to devise rules and limitations for my drinking, striving to keep life on track. Yet, addiction always defied any boundaries, inevitably breaking free.

Let me assure you, the journey to sobriety is informative, transformative, and engaging. It offers a life filled with genuine joy, unshakeable self-worth, and unforeseen possibilities.

How One Simple Decision Can Transform Your Life and Free You from Your Addictions

Before I finally reached the decision to get sober, my drinking was totally out of control, but I just couldn’t admit it. I couldn’t accept that there were internal conflicts that I couldn’t simply outsmart, despite considering myself an intelligent and independent person.

I used to think that being clever was enough to master my life. I believed that I just had to think, try, or work harder. But what I really needed was to let go. And when I finally did, it turned out to be the simplest thing ever. No elaborate plans or complicated rules, no endless cycle of guilt and failure. Just one single decision — to stop, hopefully forever.

The biggest relief came from the fact that I suddenly freed myself from something I didn’t even realize was weighing me down — something I was constantly thinking, worrying, panicking, and being torn apart by, every single day, for years and years. It was like taking a deep breath after having an immense burden lifted from my chest.

Sometimes, it takes quitting drinking to realize that you needed to quit drinking. I had to get sober to acknowledge the true value of sobriety. Being trapped in active alcoholism was like living in hell, but getting sober became, and continues to be, a never-ending source of clarity and peace for me. If that’s what you’re seeking, I want you to experience that clarity and peace too.

So, if you’re considering quitting drinking, don’t ignore that inner voice. Listen to it. Quitting is never impossible, but the longer you wait, the harder it might become. Never be afraid to save yourself. You’re worth it!

