Asheville draws Atlanta, wins friendly with Savannah, huge game on Saturday night

ACSC found a new rival, then beat the Savannah Clovers on a late goal on Tuesday, and now look forward to facing division-leading Atl*nta again this weekend.

Alex Hamilton
Soccer 'n' Sweet Tea
6 min readJun 23, 2017


(Photo Credit: Alex Hamilton)

Asheville City drew 1–1 with the Atlanta Silverbacks on Saturday in their most intense match to date. Sadly, I could not make it to this one. Alas, I have heard plenty about it in the time since.

The Silverbacks fans, maybe 10–15 in number, set the tone well before the match by setting off a smoke bomb directly outside of one of the breweries on the South Slope in downtown Asheville, middle fingers a blazing. It’s a beer garden setup so the smoke immediately filled the place, forcing folks out onto the street in search of oxygen.

Don’t get me wrong here, I’m all about a good smoke bomb…but come on.

(Photo Credit: Kevin Heuer)

Couple that with the dozens of stickers they placed around town and on the path to (and inside might I add) the stadium, and the Blues found their first heated rivalry in the league, even well before the match started. Another series of red smoke bombs were set off just before kickoff, leaving the field and stands blanketed with red and white smoke.

And just like that, a rivalry was born.

We have heard the Silverbacks had the rowdiest fans in the league. And they’re leading the division, so that certainly adds to it. But some class is in order.

Unfortunately, both sides’ fans displayed some classless actions on Saturday. Vulgarities were screamed. Threats were made. Guys. let’s keep this in perspective. This is NPSL ball. There is no need at any sporting event to lose your class, but especially in a small city in North Carolina between two fourth tier teams.

Part of the problem was that Atlanta’s bus was late, so that pushed kickoff back 30 minutes. Then the weather caused another hour delay. This gave everyone an extra 90 minutes to sit and brood and drink, and the tension kept building.

This was the most hyped game the club has had to date, with the organization energizing people around town all week long to come out and #DefendMemorial. The record breaking 2,315 people that showed up came with an extra bite. The gusto from the Silverbacks’ faithful only antagonized them, making for an even more passionate Blues section.

The tension from the crowd and what was at stake in the conference resonated down on the field. Composure would have to be the name of the game if a clear winner were to emerge. In the 20th minute, Tom Deeley lobbed a ball over the defense and Elma N’For was the first to arrive, beautifully flicking it over a charging keeper for the early lead and electrifying the crowd. This duo is a familiar one, and in the replay, N’For displays his most passionate celebration I’ve seen from him yet. 1–0 and Memorial was rocking.

The 1–0 score would carry into the half, but Atlanta tied it up in the 63' on a rope from outside the box from Keka (a.k.a. Mohammed Kamara), the 19 year old Liberian, and 1–1 would hold for the final. That’s a big point on the road for an established club in a hostile environment. However, it is also a big point for a home team still adapting to everything as the new team in the league.

Now, let’s move on to the Savannah friendly on Tuesday night.

(Photo Credit: Alex Hamilton)

This one was a friendly, so the names on the pitch were slightly different than the ones we have become accustomed to as Asheville City fans. Whether it was because of the Tuesday night out-of-conference “friendly” aspect, or it being family night, or maybe just the lasting effects from the energy on Saturday… the crowd was much more subdued, although in a good way.

The 1,733 fans seemed a little more scattered and I know quite a few of them were preoccupied by the large inflatables from the folks at Par-T-Perfect aimed at getting children (of all ages) involved. In particular, the front line of the supporters section was as sparse as I’ve seen it, but that’s to be expected on a Tuesday.

Jesse Foreman and Grady Bradshaw thanking the crowd. (Photo Credit: Alex Hamilton)

Savannah’s squad was a fun team to watch. I’m glad ACSC could host them as they continue their quest to join the NPSL. I hope we can host them again next year as a conference rival. Seeing some fresh faces get a chance to represent their city was neat, and it was evident they wanted to take advantage of that opportunity.

Asheville City held possession for the majority of the match leading to many chances they couldn’t capitalize on, including close to double digits in the corner kicks department.

In a mostly uneventful game, it took until the 89th minute for Bryan Bartels, an Asheville local, to net the game’s only goal, on an assist from another local, Brayan Aguirre-Hernandez.

A goal in the 89' sealed the deal against Savannah FC. (Photo Credit: Alex Hamilton)

Five minutes of stoppage proved unfruitful and Asheville completed a perfect record from both of their home non-conference match ups.

This leads us to tomorrow: a much anticipated rematch from last Saturday in Atlanta.

Personally, I’m excited for what is sure to be a heated head-to-head since I missed the first go round. I do know the Silverbacks have historically had an enormous following in their 5k-seater. However, they have been drawing significantly less the past few years, and surely they will take a hit tomorrow with Atl*nta Un*ted playing right down the road.

Fingers crossed, maybe Asheville will have more in the seats than the home team.

Regardless, this match is huge for the boys in blue. Playoffs are probable at this point, but a win would solidify it, and they are now fighting for their ever so advantageous home turf. If Asheville wins their final 3, there is still a chance they could take first in the division… but one game at a time here.

After last Saturday, this rivalry has been solidified. Their fans wanted it. We obliged. And I won’t disclose the amount of smoke the South Slope Blues will be packing, but has it been long enough to make a General Sherman joke?

This match has an earlier kickoff, probably due to the MLS action in town. 5:00pm at Silverbacks Park, with the United kicking off at 7:00pm at Bobby Dodd. It will certainly be streamable through the Silverbacks’ live feed,.

#COYB! #PTCB! It’s the last regular season road game of the year for the Blues, and a damn good one to end on.

