Resources: Behavioural Insights

SBC Guides
Social and Behaviour Change Resources [ENG]
2 min readJun 19, 2022

*A few curated resources in English on Social and Behaviour Change (SBC). These resources complement our “Intro Guide to Social and Behaviour Change.” For versions in French, Portuguese and Spanish click here.

  1. Adaptable Pocket Guide: Behavioural Insights (UNICEF West and Central Africa Region, Beta version). This Social Change library has additional versions and topics in French, Portuguese and Spanish.
  2. Introduction to Behavioural Insights. A free online course on UNICEF’s Agora platform (You can create a guest account if you are outside UNICEF). This is a “self-paced” online course in English, co-created with specialists from Duke University.
  3. A helpful list of online courses on Behavioural Insights/Science.
  4. A 2021 study in the Philippines showing how Behavioural Insights approach increased handwashing in schools from 12% to 29% (10 page article, good images of the contextual and visual “nudges” used in the approach).
  5. EAST : Four simple ways to apply behavioral insights. Behavioral Insights Team — The original “Nudge Unit” (UK government) developed this framework. If you don’t have time for 50+ pages, you can go straight to pages 4–6, where the EAST framework is described. E = Easy. A = Attractive. S = Social. T = Timely.
  6. SHAPE DIFFERENCE” cards from Nudge Lebanon prove a brief overview of key concepts in Behavioral Insights. S = Salience. H = Hassle Factors… (etc.) Click on the link above for the full list. (See also: “SHAPE DIFFERENCE” cards in French).
  7. A Practitioners Guide to Nudging. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. This 28-page document gives a good overview of nudging and behavioral influences. Check the appendix 2 (Decision Map Checklist) for a tool to identify where nudging can have impact.
  8. Video: Conversation on Behavioural Insights with Professor Cass Sunstein, United Nations Behavioural Science week, 2021. Key quote we like from Prof. Sunstein from the video: “If you want to influence someone’s behavior, you should remove the barriers to that behavior.”
Excerpt from Behavioral Insights Team’s EAST Framework (see also NESTA summary of EAST)

Do you have suggestions for this list? We welcome your ideas, and any general feedback you might have for us. Click here to share input. (Leave anonymous feedback or name and email if you would like a response). Best regards, UNICEF West and Central Africa Social and Behavior Change Team, Dakar Senegal.

