Get to know Inspector role in 2 minutes

Social Bureau
Social Bureau
Published in
1 min readDec 8, 2022

One of the critical roles in the Social Bureau and every unit of society.

See 3 Roles anyone can play anonymously in Social Bureau in this link.

Since anyone can play any role anonymously in Social Bureau, an informant, an inspector, and a donator, to drive bit by bit of a better society. An inspector is a crucial person who validates the information from an informant who reports the criminal case or any vote.

Inspector needs to stake JUTC before investigating the criminal case based on evidence the reporters provide, the Social Bureau database, the partner database, or the open source database. Inspectors can gain points and JUTC as a reward for correctly and consciously investigating. On the other hand, they lose points slightly if they diagnose something wrong.

To ensure that every case an inspector has investigated is valuable, they can challenge another inspector to doubly check the result. All of the investigation processes can be done without revealing who you are.

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Social Bureau
Social Bureau

Complete Decentralized Justice System Platform. Together for a Better Community