An Extraordinary Life…


Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
4 min readMay 10, 2017


I have many of them and it took me a while to get to where I am now with it. I know achieving any kind of dream has some element of risk and I’m willing to take it. I don’t care what anyone says. My dreams are all part of my purpose. And Justin Bieber made it veery clear how important purpose truly is. And I don’t nor will I let anything nor anyone hold me back from that power that comes along with achieving my life purpose! It’s my life, I have control of how I live it! Everyone else only has control and power of how they live their lives and no one else’s.

The way I see it: my responsibility at this moment in history is to stand up for everybody out there who wants nothing more than to be themselves openly!

But all the negativity that comes to me, I channel that into positivity that I have to prove the haters wrong.

Just say something positive. If you start off once a day, I think that would just change who you are!

  • The future is what we make, so why wait?
  • You gotta believe in yourself all the way.

We are all Unbreakable! Many of us believe we have to put a lot of work, effort, time and such into something to get what we want in life, but instead is too lazy to get their buts of the couch/bed and do something.

When other people like me think about it, we are capable of the good in life and. as long as we put our minds to it, we can do anything, but without anyone or anything stopping us! We are Unbreakable! Unstoppable, beautiful, talented, one of a kind, special, amazing, (handsome: for the guys)! And so much more. Never forget who you are, where u stand and what rights you have that can do more than anyone can ever imagine! Believe in yourself. Have faith. And never forget how awesome you are! Be heard. Be strong. Be proud!

Tomorrowland Scene: Relating to topic, trust me!

Transmitting it like a feedback thing. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that’s coming from right there. It’s not just showing people the end of the world. It’s giving thmr the idea over and over and over again until they just accept it. We still have 58 days to try and change things. But nothing will work as long as that thing (monitor) is still on.

These people, their driven by savagery. What if we told them about this place? Then that would happen here to us. Then nothing will survive.

But it hasn’t happened yet.

Actually it has happened, you just haven’t accepted it.

Well, I don’t accept it.

Cassie, that stuff’s not real. The issue is our future predicting machine says we’re all gonna die.

Cassie: This place has nothing to do with hope. It’s the opposite of hope.

Frank: Don’t say that.

Cassie: Why not? You said it; no wonder you gave up.

Frank: That’s before I knew about you. You really, you really are special.

Cassie: Why do you people keep saying that to me? I’m not. Why did you even give me this? You showed me a place that was amazing and incredible. And it was a lie. If your gonna zap an idea into people’s heads, you should really make sure that it’s the truth. Because you can’t do that. You can’t just zap…

Frank: what?

Cassie: It’s happening in people’s heads. Your piloting the signal, how?

Frank: what?

Cassie: At your house, all your tv’s, doomstay room. You were boosting the feed from that monitor thing. How did you do that?

Frank: It’s not big deal. They were running on so much power through it now, a ham radio could make it up. It’s just a matter of finding the right frequency.

Cassie: You grabbed a signal from another dimension. From a machine here, that means it’s transmitting there. What if it’s not just predicting the future.

Frank: It’s broadcasting it.

Cassie: When I touch this thing, for a few minutes it felt like anything was possible. But then why can’t the opposite happen? What if the monitor is just a giant pin but instead of making you think positive, it makes you think negative. And it convincing the whole world to fed the wrong wolf:

“There are two wolves. And they are always fighting. One is darkness & despair. The other is light & hope. Which wolf wins?”



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.