Bad Things Happen If Good People Do Nothing

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
2 min readJul 18, 2018


You know this quote game really deep and close to me as to what I’ve come to calculate with another topic. What topic you may be asking or wondering? Well that topic is the religion of “Scientology”. I’m sure you’ve heard about it: here’s my calculations and my beliefs and understanding of this quote and Scientology!

To start off, well Scientology has a belief that in a scenario when someone is depressed and suicidal, that it’s all their fault for their suicide. Because they didn’t speak up or better say: seek help to move away from taking their own life. Like they didn’t do enough and that everyone else is not involved in the belief of playing any crucial part in preventing suicides.

Well I got something to say about that: in a scenario like attempting suicide and wanting to actually end one’s life; there’s the one person struggling yet suffering alone and only believing that suicide is the only possible solution to ending the pain, and then there’s everyone around them that have surrounding them and even probably witnessed signs of struggle and suffering with their own inner demons: mental illness and at risk. For example, like Hannah Baker in the “13 Reasons Why” Netflix Series where she showed many signs to many people: her friends, family, classmates, school staff that she was struggling and was even suicidal (as per her suicidal poem she read to her class in school).

Though no one recognized it as a sign of struggle and a student/classmate in need of help who’s also at serious risk; to do something about it. What I’m saying is that bad things (suicides) happen if good people do nothing (does nothing to prevent outcomes: suicides). Does this look/seem clear to you?

If so, what are your thoughts to be one person to prevent bad things from happening?



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.