Between How It Is & How It Should Be

Between how the world currently is & what change makers are doing to contribute to a better world in which the world should be:

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
6 min readSep 22, 2016


Thursday September 22nd 2016

Today, I decided to start reading “Free The Children” by Craig Kielburger and so far I’ve learned some great stuff on social change, child labour, and Craig & Marc’s experiences with their service work. Craig & Marc Kielburger really do inspire me and two people in the world that I look up to as role models.

How I discovered my life purpose (just like Craig & Marc as examples):

It was January 12th 2010 when the earthquake in Haiti occurred, and not too long after that I had started picking out a country to research and put into a scrapbook for my social studies project. Some were interesting but Haiti was not one on that list. And it made me think about the earthquake there and wondered about the possibility of me being able to research Haiti for my project. And so I did, and the subject country was approved.

At that point, I was so excited to learn all about Haiti through my research. In which after I completed the project and received an A. And from that, I had decided from all I learned not just about the earthquake in Haiti, but everything about the country, gave me my life purpose of wanting to achieve and work on solving world’s issues which there are many of.

And less then 2 years later and the beginning of grade 10, while in a meeting for GREEN club, I had heard about Free The Children holding their event: We Day and learning some facts about the event and on top of that, learning more about Craig Kielburger, Free The Children, and Me To We in Civics class and Business classes in both grade 11 and 12, I become more aware, inspired, in love and more passionate with my life purpose.

For all theyve done from day one till then and even up to today, really inspires me a lot, encourages me to continue contributing to causes, organizations & charities like this one. And lastly also really admired both Craig & Marc Kieburger for all their hard and recognizable work with Free The Children, Me To We and We Day, plus other features, contributions they’ve created as well.


“Marc and I are frequently invited to speak at motivational seminars and conferences where people gather to discuss paths to happiness and fulfilment. All too often, we have found ourselves sitting on panels with people proposing quick and easy solutions to people’s problems. The more we’ve listened to them celebrate power and money, however the more we’ve begun to see that their “solutions” conflict with much of what we’ve learned in our service work, both at home and overseas.”

“Through our travels, our diverse experiences with social environment, and the opportunity to meet and learn from some of our greatest heroes, Marc and I have discovered the most surprising thing: in setting out to change the lives of others, our own lives have changed. In learning about the different people and cultures that we have encountered, we have some t ore-examine our most basic assumptions about the world and our place in it, and emerged with a clearer understanding of what it takes to build a better world – and lead a fulfilling life.

What am I passionate about?

I am passionate about making a difference in the world like Craig & Marc Kielburger who have done so much as for all they are known for. They have inspired me to be a part of their organization and contribute my own work with making small and big impacts on the world as for the world needs to change. The world has so many problems and issues out there that need continueous amonts of attention, care, treatment, hard work and awareness as they all truly deserve.

For all issues are equally important, not one is more important than another.

I am passionate about standing up for what I believe in even if that means standing alone. Everyone has to stand along with what they believe in but eventually along the way they won’t be the only one fighting and standing up for what they truly believe in. No matter what one believes in and what consequences of doing so, one must stick to what they believe in, to make a difference in the world.

As quoted above in something Craig & Marc Kielburger learned: “In setting out to change the lives of others, our own lives have changed.” I truly believe that this quote is honestly and truthfully true with accurate results and facts that go with it.

I’m passionate for standing up for anything at all that I truly believe in. If I believe in something, I intend to stand up and speak up for it. To bring light to the issues and things that I’m truly passionate about what I intend to get out of it. I intend to create many great, amazing, inspiring, confident, encouraging, uplifting, relatable & life changing in so many ways that make the world better. As for the world needs so many improvements, changes, and overall better change for the world entirely.

One other thing that I’m very passionately passionate about: creative arts. Ever since a family member commented on a piece of work that I wrote myself for a business assignment (that I’m a great creative writer, not in those exact words), encouraged me to continue writing pieces of work, essays and much more with my creative mind and talent with creative writing.

What I love about the creative arts:

With creative writing part, I love that it lets you be you. It has not limitations of how far you can go with an idea, thought, creation or anything at all. There are no rules or laws against what you can and cannot do at all. It just lets you go wherever you want to go and wherever it takes you. I really do love all that about being creative.

Nobody likes being held back, limited by rules and laws of being citizens in this big world.

In all reality, what’s something you believe in, how far would you go to stand up for it?

How much effort, time, research, planning, and more to get the kind of results that you’ve intended to get out of all the work with standing up for what you believe in.

How would you handle people in the world (anyone: family, friends, teachers, students/classmates, acquaintances) who would discourage you in doing and overall believing in something that you feel so strongly, that you’d fight for it?

Would you still fight for it no matter how many people may not be on your side or understand your logics and everything behind your beliefs and standing for them?

What is my life purpose?

My life purpose is quite similar to my passions. My life purpose is more focused on inspiring better change in all aspects of life: support, inspiring creative change, inspiring things/issues in new and inspiring perspectives helping others look at certain issues in different angles and perspectives, spreading awareness, promoting positive mental health and overall educating and standing up for my beliefs and value of mental health. And many others too.

In the past with my old Tumbr blog (Laura1646) that was active some year in my high school years up till the end of April last year; I had started posting/creating inspiring posts with my blog which had started in September 2014. And honestly I felt proud of myself for what my blog’s impact including my own impact on many other lives for what I had inspired and given in result of doing so. I didn’t originally plan to inspire like this with my blog but it just started happening and all of a sudden, me and my blog were getting noticed in big enough ways that impacted, overall influenced and changed/helped other lives that followed my blog and continued further with positive comments, likes and reblogs. Below are some comments that I’ve always remembered towards my blog:

  • My blog is very inspirational and relatable
  • My blog is very uplifting and encouraging
  • They agree with the way I interpret things, and believe that it’s beautiful

Do both (passion & life purpose) link together in their own ways?

Yes! Why and how? Well as for my life purpose and what helped me discover it, including my thoughts, further actions and plans with achieving and working with it, also showed and involved plenty of passion of mine with achieving my life purpose. It made me confident, proud but overall happy to stand up, believe, support and create the kinds of things that I’d plan to create with my passion and life purpose.



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.