Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
1 min readSep 26, 2016


Between Who You Are & Who You Could Be

Self Identification

It takes us years till we truly find and discover who we want to be. But the reason behind why it takes so long is overall society and its expectations and standards of who they think we would be. The governments enforced laws for us citizens to follow to keep it civilized and also make us proper human beings as well as teachers and our own parents do. But some or many of them only sacrifice who we believe we truly want to be, for the person all society and the government want us to be with logical reasoning.

But what does that leave us with? What do we have left that society and the government took from us?

  • Pride
  • Integrity
  • Hope
  • Unhappiness from not being able to be who we would be happy as (identification)
  • Limitations – unable to do certain things given from rules, laws, exacptactions and standards from both the governments & society

But we can break this barrier around the governments and society’s expectations, standards, rules, and laws of how we can live our lives and who we can live our lives as (self identity). So, screw them and be who you want to be. Take that risk, it may be risky but what’s riskier is being the person that you are not with negative results.



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.