Different Is The New Normal

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
2 min readMar 9, 2019

Well I’m just gonna start off and share something brief relating to this topic. For my whole life I never felt like I fit in into any particles group or easily connected with new people at school and other environments; but I’ve figured out that I’m someone who prefers to stand out.

I am someone who enjoys and prefers to love her own life on her own terms and to make her own riled and to break the rules when recognized they are the right ones to break. Like the rule at Walmart for all associates at Walmart and other workplaces to wear “ONLY” black and white to work. I dislike this dress code in so many ways that I’m gonna share them all here. So you will fully be able to understand why I dislike the dress code so much. 👕👔👖👚🥼🥿👟

For as long as I’ve been working at Walmart (since July 2017 ~ 1.5 years or more – present: March 2019) I’ve had to wear black and white for the dress code which I followed for a fraction of the time I’ve been working there and in January 2018, I began wearing more green (not just on Friday’s: when we can wear colour and donate $1 for the chosen charity chosen by Walmart management each week) and managers saw it without a doubt and they didn’t say a word to me about how I was violating/breaking the dress code for months.

And then once I became a cashier (an offer/opportunity given to me by my manager, Margaret who no longer works at Walmart) in late September 2018 (as I’ve mentioned to her that I was hoping for more hours each week and of course in September they needed more cashiers as a few were busy during the week for college and school) so it was a win-win situation.

Anyway, once I’ve began working at Walmart as a cashier, managers and CSM’s (customer service manager) were more strict and on me for not following the dress code. It really annoyed me how strict Walmart is about the dress code and their rules; just like the government and the expectation we put on each other as a society: the ones we all strive for… perfection: Miss Perfect Barbie! Get where I’m going… at least a bit?

“Making individual choices isn’t easy. The important ones take work. But once you realize it, everything turns out alright and that’s when you’ve discovered who you are.” ~ Girl Meets World



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.