Doubtful Dreams

Optimism and mental health collide:

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
4 min readJun 4, 2017


The Future Is What We Make It – SPOILER! (But I’ll keep it vague) We enter the movie of Tomorrowland at the end of the story. The opening scene, the one mentioned above where Casey repeatedly interrupts interviews Frank, is actually the end of the movie after everything has happened. As they retell their adventures, we, the audience get to see events as they play out as if we were right there with them. In just over 63 days, the world will end.

Unlike in the movies, our future isn’t set. We can’t travel forward or back in time (they don’t in the movie in case you were wondering), and we can’t change the past. All we can do is make the best decisions today with the information we have.

Your future isn’t decided yet. And neither is mine. Every day we wake up to a fresh start and if you’re not excited about it, unless you do something about it right now, nothing will change. The future, your future.

It’s Hard To Have Ideas. But Easy To Give Up!

Arm-chair-quarterbacking is easy. Pointing out the flaws in someone’s behavior or plan doesn’t take that much talent or skill. Having ideas and acting on them are hard things to do. Creative people are a dying breed. From day one we’re told what to do and how to do it. Go to school, go to bed, go back to school, go to work. As the world becomes more industrialized it’s becoming harder and harder to have ideas that stand out. Dreamers have to stick together.It’s also easy to give up. Over the past three years of trying to make it as a blogger, podcaster and coach, I’ve been faced with the prospect of giving up dozens of times. When things get tough, it’s easy to give up. It’s easy to throw in the towel and let someone else take over.Not much talent goes into arm-chair-quarterbacking. What’s difficult is being creative in the moment and making decisions for ourselves. Giving up takes not talent either. Have ideas and go after them with everything you have!

I’ve decided today, that I am gonna dedicate, motivate, encourage and inspire myself to taking risks. Taking risks is one way of changing your life for a starter thought. So my first risk here is: to get back to posting inspiring things that I’m passionate and that make me happy and also including my own inspiring thoughts on Facebook. So that’s what I want, who I want to be, and what I want to achieve with my life. And it results in me being my absolute happiest. And so that’s what I’m gonna think about when I start posting these kinds of posts on Facebook again!

What is honestly holding us back from being who we want to be and what we want to achieve with our lives? Society, government… We need to forget about that for a minute and just think about what makes you happy, what your passionate about, what dreams you would like to start achieving. And get to work. If you just think about what you want leaving out the thoughts of what others would think or anything else, this therefore states that nothing is impossible.

So I’ve decided to start taking risks to create new change in my life. It’s time. I’ve been wanting to change my life in this very particular way and this is it. This is my chance, my year to make my life what I want: to shape it in that way… No more holdbacks anymore! I’m done doing that, and into starting projects, plans, dreams of mine that I’ve kept bottled up inside of me just because of what others would say or think of me and things. This is my life. And I’m gonna live it the way I want to. And the haters can live their lives however they want, but I’m not gonna let their opinions on how I choose to live my life affect how my life turns out or what path/direction I end up following in reality. Be ready! A lot of new, exciting, inspiring, positive, happy, confident and optimistic changes are in the making…

“No matter what religion. No matter what race. No matter what you are. You can always believe. It’s all about positivity. It’s all about believing in something great. Believing in higher power. Believing in yourself. Believing that you can do anything that you set your mind to it.” – Justin Bieber



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.