Dreams Don’t Work Unless You Do

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents


Well I believe I have written a blog post on this ale topic but I’d like to post another one but with new data I’ve collected overtime since I wrote that first post.

I’ve been selling through Letgo, eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Carousel, Kijiji & Depop for a few years and from my experiences from this, I’ve gained the fact that we as a society have become too emotional and reactive than what we all may say and think about ourselves.

I’ve found people I’ve communicated with through these selling platforms who act immaturity in ways such as showing disrespect for my way/method of selling the things I post online, inconsiderate for my schedule, availability, ability to transport myself to deliver items or meet people in their towns/areas, to complete unkind.

To give a few examples of this, and how this quote comes into this, I’m gonna share them here.

1. Work

People can so very easily put the blame on me when I am unable to meet their expectations as a seller to make a successful transaction with them. Whether it’s meeting up in their area, meeting at a time that’s inconvenient for me, when I’m unavailable, and so on. Or when it comes to areas in my town to meet up, some people complain or act immaturely for the places I choose that I’m able to meet them: for example, downtown Georgetown as it’s within walking distance for me.

Some people seem to put a lousy effort into making their “dream” a reality, more so their reality. I’ve had a few people be a “no show” and not even message me back, but I think I’ve had at least a couple people message me days after the agreed date to meet to complete the sale stating their apology and whether they still want to make the sale and reschedule for a better time.

And because of the “no shows” I’ve had, I’ve then decided to not allow for holding any items for any interested buyers unless they provide a deposit which is half the amount of the item(S) they intend to buy, or the full amount; chosen by them. It means that the money sent will mean to them that the item(S) are guaranteed to be theirs.

Though I’ve never had a situation where I had to return/send the deposit back to any interested buyer for any reason such as:

  • Timing
  • Money/financial stuff
  • Availability
  • Transportation issues to meet up
  • Changed their minds

If they ever had themselves at a point like this, I’d hope they’d be respectful, kind, considerate & mature enough to be patient for when I’m able to send the deposit or full amount to them once I get their email to be able to do so. If they decide to act immaturely or any disrespect and unkindness before they send their email via selling platform messaging and decide to block me after soemthing I said and included in their review that I wasn’t willing to send the refund of deposit to them; it’s no one but THEIR own fault.

2. Communication

I’ve found many people lack the proper and clear communication of what they want done for completing the sale. Their preference for meeting up, dates available, etc.

I’ve had 1 person who told me she didn’t know at the time being when she’d be coming to my town from Hamilton to pickup the item (tablet) and I just simply asked for her to give me a plan: tell me you’ll find out from the person who she’s relying on for driving her, by a specific time. I’ve had many people give me a specific time like: I’ll get back to you by 9pm tonight, or tomorrow morning around 10am; as an example.

That’s the kind of answer I was looking for. And guess how the woman responded? She ASSUMED I meant something else like around the reason for not having a drivers license and a car to pickup more easily, like having a physical disability or something that affects her transportation. That is not at all what I meant. And she then responded remotely how you’d think she would, and blocked me on Kijiji.

And lastly here’s #3. ASSUMPTIONS

The amount of people who have made easy and fast assumptions of things I’ve included in my messages to them are beyond stupid. I mean: the definition or well used quote of the term: Assumption is… making an ASS out of U & Me, you know when you break down the word.

The assumptions people make are to me what I see and understand as this:

When you don’t respect yourself, you go looking for signs of disrespect in others! ~ Louise Litt, Suits

It’s exactly as it sounds. The people I’ve communicated with disrespect themselves enough to point they can so easily disrespect others and honestly I don’t think any of them realize this at all when they are doing it, therefore they are not being… mindful.

And honestly I think mindfulness and these examples have a lot to do with our Coronavirus pandemic we are all still living with. Let’s think about how our actions, choices, decisions have made a difference good or bad on the world.

Mindfulness vs multitasking? Which has more positive benefits than negative outcomes?



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.