Every Second Counts Cuz There’s No Second Try!

So live it like you never live it twice!

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
1 min readJul 14, 2016


We live our lives like we normally do.. Doing the normal things but not every one of us goes the “extra mile”. For example, Craig Kieburger at age 12, saw a devastating article in the newspaper and instantly wanted to do something about it. Then after hard work with his plan with doing something about what he had learned from the article, he and his brother created “Free The Children” – here’s a few videos about what Free The Children has and is currently doing now as an organization.

I’m absolutely a huge fan of Free The Children and ever so happy to be part of this amazing and unbelievable organization that has created and changed so much since day one. So proud and grateful to have Craig & Mark Kielburger who created such an amazing movement!

“Imagine that you woke up everyday believing that you could make a difference in the world. Now imagine, it wasn’t just you. Imagine it was everyone.”



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.