Factors With Therapy For Mental Health Issues?


Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
4 min readMay 22, 2018


Well to start off, I’d like to cover why I chose to talk about a topic such as this one. And to clarify deeply as much as I can share on my opinions on this are as follows:

For so long that I can with the memory I do have, I’ve been in serious need of therapy and there have been times when I was in therapy more specifically since I came home from college April 25 2015, I’ve worked through some of my personal and emotional issues with some fair amount of maturity and well progress!

But then particularly since I had my epiphany with my parents about the quote: “the lord helps those who help themselves” as quoted by a character in Grey’s Anatomy: Season 13 I think. And in that moment, my mom believed that I was showing to her that I was at that moment ready to start therapy: but Linds: individual and family therapy!

But the thing is, both my parents believe that maturity is the one factor in the decision of starting therapy. But my own belief on this says the complete opposite. And I’m gonna go in depth detail about my beliefs, thoughts including quoting thoughts from other people and more.

Now, I can start by saying that back in November 2016, when my parents came in with me for my appointment with Dr. Kao who diagnosed me with both ADHD & depression; to talk about the results they’ve seen in me so far while taking Lexapro for my depression (relapse) and I can say that what I didn’t know from one thing he told them about therapy and his belief is that I’m not “ready” for therapy. And by that he meant that I’m not mature enough to fully be ready for me to start therapy: individual and family therapy!

And then here comes my statement and beliefs on this next. To first point out, I’m quite mature for my age while putting aside those moments in the past since that day of when I’ve been immature; and I know that because I’ve seen that and no I’m not just saying that; I mean it for real. And I also know that many people in the Happier community can state that they’ve seen many posts over the 6 years I’ve been a part of the community; where I’ve been quite mature and in views that my parents have refused to try to see differently than the current ones they’ve always had since the beginning.

Anyway, my proof of why I believe also that maturity isn’t a factor in deciding if someone or oneself is ready for therapy; I have not the exact words spoken from my family physician Dr. Cherla about that and much else but I’m gonna share all that I can with the memory that I do have. As per my memory isn’t as strong and normal like it has been for years.

When I met with Dr. Cherla my most recent appointment Friday May 11 or May 4, we covered some great yet important topics but one in particular that I’m gonna share is regarding to therapy and the factor of maturity being part of the decision of whether someone or oneself is ready for therapy.

I’ve seen 3 other counsellors since I came home along with a special counsellor more so focused on my ADHD and well life coaching me which began from September 2015 and ending at the end of April 2016. And I can say during those moments with each counsellor since I came home from college in April 2015, I’ve had some degree of maturity to some fair level.

And to now quote on what Dr. Cherla my family physician had to comment his thoughts and more on this topic: he said that maturity is not exactly a factor with deciding on being ready to start therapy or not. Some people go into therapy with immaturity, some with maturity and others have a mix of both. And well at some point situations and things that we as patients to the counsellor (from how I can even say so as best I can at this moment) some people make the choice in therapy sessions to actually listen to what they have to give us in terms of fixing our own issues and coming to the terms or rather acceptance that the only thing that we can change is ourselves: as quoted by Rosa from Date My Dad:

“You cannot control how other people react, you can only control your own behaviour.”

And yet also come to the thought that we need to begin this new life or chapter by taking responsibility for our wrongdoings, actions and ourselves, and for one other thing: trying not to focus our minds on the list of things we dislike and so desperately feel we have to in some way demand or force or make someone change because we have a belief that if we don’t do so, the change that they need won’t happen by the person.

And of course that can be perceived as treating people, or human beings as robots that can be controlled to do whatever someone wants them to do… Well I can say that I’ve had my huge share of moments with that with my own two parents. Because for so many years they’ve believed that their own beliefs are realistic, logical, fair and mature yet also the right way to think, believe, act, be and overall live in this world, and refuse to be open to any new lifestyles or way of living.



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.