Fed Up With Society

It’s time to make a difference in our world!

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
3 min readJan 23, 2017


Craig Kielburger said this: “A younger brother could have no better role model. I knew that young people could have the power to make a difference when it comes to issues they care about. Why not me?

So why not any one of us inspire ourselves to dedication some of our free time to help make a difference in our world?

Ships don’t sink because of the water around them, they sink because of the water that gets in them. Don’t let what’s happening around you, get inside you and weigh you down.

For example, there’s so many issues, which charities to help raise money and awareness to each individual cause.

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Your mom’s not right over your shoulder, saying “would you like someone to say that to you?” Or you don’t have your best friend right there being like “that’s a terrible thing to say. You shouldn’t do it.” When your alone, your just there and the words don’t matter to you.

Those people who are commenting must really not have anything better to do.

To get cyber-bullying kind of kicked off the map, it’s gonna take a lot of work going to take a lot of people.

My passion is to stop cyber bullying on the Internet and that’s really where my idea: Rethink was born. It’s an affective way to stop cyber-bullying at the source before the damage is done.

Let’s not even let those negative messages go out. All we are having them do is really rethink their decision.

If one person speaks up and writes something powerful that day, someone knows that needs it, may see that message that person shares that message, and it just goes on and on. It always has to start with one person.

People feel like really happy when someone comments on their post, like “OMG, I really like your outfit.it’s just all a chain reaction.

Be a change agent. Step up, speak out. You know, it’s amazing the amount of power you could have.

I use social media to share pieces of myself like “this is who I am” and what I do.

You can create a post and then thousands of people can see it at one time. It’s an amazing resource.

It’s a really simple way, I think for all of us is to connect.

Bullying Facts

  • Only 10% actually admit to online bullying

There is nothing more powerful than knowing in your heart that you can do something to bring positivity to change the world.

The world is what we make it. So let’s make the best of it, to the best that we believe we can!



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.