Have Hope For Our World & Ourselves As Individuals

We can make a difference in our world, to create something bigger, better & more beautiful than ever before!

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
6 min readAug 16, 2017


“Life is better when you don’t keep you hopes up!” ~ Maya

Limitation: I have held something such as being the person I have always dreamt of being! All because of what everyone else was saying about her and my dreams.

When it comes to my life, I’ve learned more than enough in my 20.5 years on earth to make a great life for myself. To make a life for myself on my own terms and become the person I was always meant to be. I have more than enough logic, emotional intelligence and much more to make a new life for myself after my mental health struggles.

And yeah I’ve been through a lot like we all do at some point in our lives. It’s important to me to express myself openly about whatever comes to mind that I’ve either learned from and those moments in which you call those milestones that everyone reaches and experiences throughout their lives. For example, for us girls and women, getting our period, puberty, boys, middle school, high school, college/university, your first boyfriend/girlfriend, friendships, adulthood, parenthood, responsibilities, moving into a place with your partner, marriage, starting a family, etc.

Well I’m here with this book on WattPad to share my own experiences with all these things and much more to which I hope you can learn from if you haven’t already. It’s also for support, guidance, and that feeling after reading certain chapters or moments I share here that you start to believe that you aren’t alone. Those moments when someone says to you: “I’ve been there” or “me too” or other phrases like that, can really make a difference for us knowing we aren’t the only one going through or experiencing certain moments that we could only believe we were alone. Isn’t that an amazing feeling to know that you aren’t alone in life?

Anyway, another brief topic I want to add here is on support. Support is so vitally important to have in your life. For me, I’ve had this topic talked with one of my second cousins who said that its so great to have people support you and have your back. With all that I’ve been through with my mental health, support is something I’ve had some amount of but not the support that everyone should get from their own parents, siblings, etc.

They made me lose all faith and want in living my dreams on top of being that girl in those dreams of mine! I may have lost them twice, but at some point, I regained them back! After relapsing with my depression, and eventually finding bad using the help that I was given (counsellor) to help me fight those negative feelings, thoughts and actions that I couldn’t control myself!

And I’m glad that it did happen! I missed my dreams and being the person I am now with also working on some areas for improvement!

No such thing as asking to be a witness. For we should do things so that people can witness what we are really and truly capable of in life! ~ Nothing Is Impossible

Step Up: Revolution! It can change your world! In fact it can change your whole perspective on life! Everything! I want to create something as special as they did! They gave a voice to those who couldn’t speak! They inspired those who needed inspiration in their lives! They changed the world through their dance mobs!

And that is something so beautiful, inspiring, priceless and special! You can’t put a price on something like this! Change! Making a difference in the world, for the better! To create everlasting change and inspiration forever! I am so grateful for this accomplishment that they have created and I want to continue in creating change the way they inspired it! Inspiring is a part of me and all the people, celebrities, friends and family have all inspired me to be as part of being a human being!

Who can change the world through her actions and words just like they did! And they proved it and I’m gonna continue doing that! If you want to see that, take some time to view my blog: laura1646 (Tumblr).

For me, I thought I knew who I was and who I was going to be, little did I realize that it was all a lie. It was covered up in a way to sound and look like the truth. But deep down, it was all a lie. It wasn’t until a certain point into my mental health recovery that I came to discover that I was a fake. That I wasn’t being authentic because I found myself all caught up with meeting society’s standards and expectations. I did that because I wanted that validation and acceptance from society so badly, I did whatever I needed to do and to be to get it.

Which deep down, no matter what anyone says or thinks, the only acceptance that really matters is your own. To also add here about that, my parents and sister are basically just like society. They said they want me to be me yet they judge me anyway and want me to be them. Like those lyrics in which many or all of us can relate to:

If I showed you, would you run away? Do I gotta hide ‘em for you to wanna stay? Do I, even need you? Should I leave you? Do I, gotta be you, just to please you? Do I, say I’m all good, when I bleed you. Through my, heart? Quit tearin’ mine apart. ~ Machine Gun Kelly ft, Hailee Steinfield

Relatable, right? Well we can all have our own opinions on this subject and lyrics.

I’m a fake and everyone knows. – Kayla Morgan, Cloud 9, Dove Cameron

There’s a way to change this which involves using everything we have to live the life we want!

Risk it all to get back on top!

It takes no fear. Nothing is impossible

As we lie, we meet the stars. We realize how small we are. If they coils love like you and me. Imagine what the world could be…

The things we can’t change VS the things we can change

  • The things we have control of:
  • Release your fears
  • Release your worries

I thought that I was “free”. They took it away from me. They told me I should back down, not a sound… We ain’t gonna stop now. Bullet for your dreams!

You got a life coming. You gotta fight for it. Stand up and walk away you talk for it. Maybe this life will slow. But they can talk, but we were meant to…fly.

Anything is possible. Just you wait and see. Good things happen if you just believe!

The things we cling to, keep us up at night.

Let’s conquer the fears. Take every chance. Hold back the tears, what we wanna be will be.

Give everything. Don’t be afraid. Be true to yourself. If you wanna live forever.

Every success brings a new challenge.

We believe in a greater future.



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.