He Named Me Malala

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
3 min readAug 7, 2016

Just decided to watch “He Named Me Malala” on Netflix and so far I’ve been more than just a,azed, but also inspired & encouraged to stand up for the things that I truly believe in! And this quote below I truly believe in. I agree with it as well. Standing up for what you believe in is not a crime!

There’s a moment when you have to choose whether:

A) to be silent


B) to stand up

“I get things are bad. But what are we doing to fix it?” ~ Britt Robertson

Malala has experienced something traumatic and that has brought her to doing something about it. Seeing an issue, and fixing it in her own unique way!


It takes courage, strength, will power, confidence, a leap of faith to not only stand up for yourself but for others too which will also change the world in greater ways that anyone may think or imagine.

Imagine the possibilities if there was no limitations or rules holding us back from anything we could possibly dream of achieving!

Strength & Hope

It also takes hope and strength to stand up for yourself and for better change in the world. Strength is used to stay strong when things get hard which can also be part of hope too. Still having enough hope even when things gets hard to stay strong when life through so much at you. The pressures of life.

“Love is stronger than the pressure to be perfect” – Demi Lovato

A Leap of Faith

It also takes a leap of faith to take matters into your own hands and do something for yourself. Make a life of your own, for what you want. Not what the world (society) wants you to live.

Check out “He Named Me Malala” on Netflix

What’s a girl to do? Anything and everything that you want. It’s your life. Live it however you want. Only follow, achieve the things that you want, that feels right and healthy for you. Follow whatever you feel is right, overall follow your heart, your gut.

After watching this documentary of Malala, (even throughout the documentary) I was inspired & encouraged to do something (like Malala) and speak up for our human rights. And Justin Bieber has some really great quotes moving this further into action and my point across with what should happen. What I want to encourage and inspire (aspire to inspire) from everything I post and act for the rest of my life!

“No matter what religion. No matter what race. No mater what you are, you can always believe. It’s all about positivity. All about believing in something great. Believing in higher power. Believing in yourself. Believing that you can do anything if you set your mind to it.” – Justin Bieber

When you reach a certain point in your life, there are people out there who sit waiting, wanting to see you fall. But rather than let gravity take you down, sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands and fly!

I’m Justin Bieber. Thank you for believing in me cuz I believe in you.


I knew it wouldn’t be easy. But your faith in me was so clear. It didn’t matter how many times I got knocked on the floor. But you knew that one day I would be standing tall. Just look at me now. Cuz everything starts from something. Something would be nothing if your heart didn’t dream with me. Where would I be? If you didn’t believe.


Don’t listen to follow what others tell you. Don’t let anyone tell you different. You are who you are. Embrace who you are, don’t change yourself just to please everyone else or to impress someone that you like because your scared or worried they won’t like you for you.

If they don’t like you as you are, then know that they aren’t gonna be part of your life because you deserve people who accept you for you and don’t try to change you in any way. They are happy and proud to have you in their lives.

“No one can be just like me anyway.” – Pink



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.