Inner Personality

Casual or Fierce?

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
6 min readFeb 8, 2017


Between Who You Are & Who You Could Be

  • Self Identification

It takes us years till we truly find and discover who we want to be. But the reason behind why it takes so long is overall society and its expectations and standards of who they think we would be.

The governments enforced laws for us citizens to follow to keep it civilized and also make us proper human beings as well as teachers and our own parents do. But some or many of them only sacrifice who we believe we truly want to be, for the person all society and the government want us to be with logical reasoning.

But what does that leave us with? What do we have left that society and the government took from us?

  • Pride
  • Integrity
  • Hope
  • Unhappiness from not being able to be who we would be happy as (identification)
  • Limitations – unable to do certain things given from rules, laws, exacptactions and standards from both the governments & society

But we can break this barrier around the governments and society’s expectations, standards, rules, and laws of how we can live our lives and who we can live our lives as (self identity). So, screw them and be who you want to be. Take that risk, it may be risky but what’s riskier is being the person that you are not with negative results.

Tell No Lies & Keep No Secrets

It’s time to share what’s been hidden for years…

A hundred eyes are looking at me. Cuz I don’t fit the box they know. I’m cool just being all I can be. – Bratz, So What

There are so many eyes that have looked and easily judge me for everything I do, say, act and overall look. And that has always affected how I dress, how I treat myself, how I view the world, how I think, overall how I live my life.

And I’m completly and entirely sick and tired of letting these things take control of everything that I have complete control of. This is my time, my year, my body, and my life and I’m gonna live it the way I want to. No more haters are gonna dictate how I live my life anymore. I’m done.

This is a new change for a new and improved life as a new and improved me. And I can’t wait to see and enjoy the results of achieving this. After all, this is my life. I have control and every right to have a say in all these areas of my life.

I can choose something and refuse to decline an opportunity that may affect my mental health or anything that I value and anything that’s important to me; in any way. I have that right. I’m gonna be 20 October 25 this year and I am at the age where I have more of a say in more things and can choose things that are what I think and believe are best for me.

I’ve had many dreams and still have the same ones (in which I still also believe in), and I believe that I still have what it takes to achieve them. Accomplishing self love, being able to love myself, being comfortable in my own skin and in greater outcomes, more confident and proud then ever before, I stopped caring what others think (which have affected what direction I follow, which have also changed numerous times). Because I only care about what I want, what I think, what matters and what I value.

And I’m not willing to sacrifice anything like my mental health to become a better person of what my parents or family want or expect me to be. I’m done risking and sacrificing my mental health, dreams, life purpose, passion and everything else that I’ve ever cared for that matters a great deal to me.

“No matter what the dream is made of. That dream is not to be afraid of.” – Bratz, It Could Be Yours

“No one can tell you who you really are. No one can take the will for you. Cuz everybody is their own star.”

I don’t care what they say. I don’t care what they do.

It’s All About You

  • It’s not about the mistakes you make but more of how you let them affect you and your life. How you respond to them. Will you let them destroy you, define you or strengthen you?
  • It’s not about the money you make. It’s not about the little mistakes. It’s not about the people you know. You’ll be fine on your own. It’s not about the clothes that you wear. It’s not about the car I swear. It’s the little things you say and you do. It’s all about you. – Bratz, All About You

New Improvements:

Lately in the past month, I haven’t been myself and I’ve thought it through on my own. And which have been mainly around my mental state. My mental health issues I’ve had in the past, my recovery and then still in the process of figuring out what’s going on. What the answer to what is happening.

My brain. It’s your brain, you gotta care for it in all the right ways. Be kind to yourself. And honestly I have been since recovery and really do believe the results from the full diagnosis which will be discussed in my upcoming appointment September 12, at 3:15pm will be mental health related.

Again, it’s my brain. It just doesn’t feel right, healthy or good in any way. I don’t feel like myself, I’m not feeling much emotion, very little is giving me pleasure yet interest in hobbies I used to enjoy, I’m not feeling much of anything right now.

I can’t think clearly as much as I’ve been before this started happening. I can’t seem to concentrate as good as I used to and I’ve been taking Concerta to help with some of these symptoms but it’s not working. Either I may need a higher dosage of the Concerta and/or need the diagnosis, further actions and Prozac!

It’s Up To Us

So what if it’s not up to us, we’ll we’re gonna use our voice to not only inspire change, but create it too. Let’s go create everlasting change, change makers: it’s up to us now! Confident! 😉😍❤️ power

Different – the front line is where we fight!


It’s Up To Us Now – this is our time, our chance, our reality! Let’s prove to the world who was wrong… you know who…

There are so many labels, expectations and standards that society and the governments want us to follow but not all of them are more realistic enough, logical, fair, healthy nor right in any way when opened up enough to think differently, creatively.

We need to change this because the world has become something that isn’t right nor the way the world should be. The world and society thinks and believes that it is a good and right thing to be but logically and creatively, it’s not. It’s not right nor healthy on a new perspective.

We shouldn’t have society and and the government tell us who to be, what we can and cannot say and do and anything and everything else in the world that is possible for anyone to achieve and overall become. We can be whoever we want to be.

We all have that right no matter who you are, what you believe in, what religion, race or anything that you are. Nothing should ever go against being the person that you would be happy, confident, proud to be. No one should ever have that right or power to tell us who to be. We have that power and choice.



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.