Inspiration Saves The Day

When your lucky, it is your job to give something back. And when you see something wrong, to stand up and to say so.

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
12 min readJul 7, 2017


When you want something you set your heart, soul, mind, body and life to achieving it and make it a reality. But when life throws something hard that makes us easily believe that we weren’t meant to achieve that thing, dream, passion or life.

But in all reality, life throws hard, challenging, yet a lot of the time, almost impossible steps along the way to see how hard you will work and how badly you want it.

If you’re willing to work hard regardless of what else life will throw at you, you gotta stick to what you know, believe, want and find whatever works for you to keep going until you reach Success of whatever you set your mind, heart, soul and life to achieving.

The first step to greatness is believing in yourself!

It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you wanna be! How do you want to see yourself and where in 5 years into your future life?

How do you see yourself? What do you want? What do you want to achieve? What makes you happy? What do you enjoy? What are you passionate for/about?

Have you four or discovered your purpose? If so, what is it? And what do you love about it? What brought you to discover it? What do you believe makes your purpose feel so alive?

The friends we choose can be the most profound influence of our entire lives.

We put too many walls up being attached with our emotions and thoughts! Why do we do this? Because we feel too vulnerable to reveal our true emotions for fear of getting hurt ourselves or scaring others! For all the times we feel and identify ourselves as “depressed” which people don’t always take seriously! We need to convince/teach/inspire those who apply to this, to treat and act on depressed people properly and the way we deserve to be treated!

If you know of anyone who has depression as a huge part of their lives and/pr past, and others who don’t take us depressed people seriously, overall the whole subject of “Mental Health”, please know that they are not alone, and to find people who they are comfortable with, and so on, and the ones who don’t take us seriously and make fun of depressed people, to act on that!

Teach them a lesson by putting it in a perspective that they are able to understand from our side! It makes all the difference! It may not remove met all health overall, but it will decrease a few symptoms and triggers of mental health problems! Thank you!

Everyone thinks they know their friends, family members, and other acquantances. But truth be told, they really don’t. They think that they know what they are thinking at moments, but truthfully, they are having more deeper thoughts in which are so scary no one would want to have.

Having scary and dangerous thoughts like that are truly unhealthy to have and can lead to long term medical issues as well as substance abuse and suicide if mental illness doesn’t get treated in enough time. People think they don’t need to think any differntly because of the mindsets and lifestyle they’ve grown with since childhood, but its so unhealthy for those in the older generations. It leads to nasty stigma that causes only more problems than those in the order generations believe could solve them.

Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.

Regardless of the unhealthy mindsets older generations have, it’s fair to say here that no one should judge someone by their outside appearance. They may appear to be calm, tamed, normal like any other human being but truth be told, they are dying/suffering in silence by the stigma and demon inside our own brain in which we cannot just shut off or get better like the phrases society uses to help us get better.

The whole world has thousands upon millions of people in our world. So doesn’t it make sense to respect and treat everyone as equal individuals with their unique differences?

Everyone deserves to be treated with the right care and treatment in which they truly deserve! So, ask yourself do u want to be treated better than you have been, pointing to any moment in your life (in which can be changed yet also learned from regardless)?

Then take a look at yourself and make a change. The reward comes when you work hard first! You must first learn to love yourself unconditionally and to learn to be kind to yourself first before anything else.

This must be accomplished to know how to properly treat others and in return, get the treatment you deserve!

We all get told to act mature and to use our manners being two things, and sometimes there’s some kind of stigma due to what makes it hard to do so. And that stigma is attached to mental illness.

Though we are told anyways without taking a good look at other views aside from our own. From both sides, both must see the other side to show that we care enough to hear their story or to walk in their shoes in some way. Nothing like these situations, shouldn’t be a one-way street.

But when it comes to what we want for ourselves, often enough is proven by many families that kids, teenagers, and even young adults know something what they want with their life and even know who they are/who they wanna be; but the parents on the other side, appear to show that they shouldn’t. This is because they believe that how they’d view their side is not important to achieve or focus their minds on and should be “who their parents” want them to be as well as acting in the ways they were taught to.

And at this point, it makes it really difficult to inspire/encourage the parents to view our side of the story. Like Katy Perry inspired in her song: It Takes Two

“Oh I can only take responsibility for me.”

It takes two. Two sides to every story. Not just you. I can’t keep ignoring, I admit half of it. I’m not that innocent. It takes two. Two sides to every story. Not just me, you can’t keep ignoring. But let me be first baby to say. I’m sorry.

I face my demons, yeah I pay my duos. I had to grow up, I wish you could too. I wanted to save you, but I can only save myself.

I point my finger but it does me no good. I look in the mirror and it tells me the truth, yeah. Why are these lessons always learned the hard way? Is it too late to change? It takes two.

When it comes to education, it’s important not only to use it in school but after you graduate, it shouldn’t leave the brain.

Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or self confidence. ~ Robert Frost

Education should be important but not everything. Other areas of one’s life is just as important. Important enough to be taken seriously as well as being what one wants for another. Whatever one person wants, one should respect what they want and want those things for them.

I wish you could want for me what I want for myself. – Emily Anderson, Step Up Revolution

What we want is valid as much as it should be wanted and needed by those who want it for themselves. And so others like their parents, friends and other acquaintances should accept, respect, understand and support them in what they want. As long as it doesn’t involve anything criminal, others should encourage and support what they want for themselves.

Whoever you are and whoever you wanna be, don’t be ashamed to be that person. And no one including our parents should disrespect, disagree or even discourage their daughters and sons in who they should be.

Who they should be is all that they’ve always been meant to be. Whoever that is, as long as it’s good in wise thinking, it should be encouraged as well as accepting, and allowing them to explore, discover who that is if they don’t know who they wanna be or what they wanna do with their life.

Whatever it is career wise, an education and a career isn’t the only important thing to have in life. Having a personal life where we get to be ourselves without having our parents bookmark the links to our blogs. That right there is called: our personal space and it shouldn’t be invaded nor broken.

It’s there for a reason and we all want our own personal space. So it makes sense to think about that first before invading someone’s personal space and give them enough space without telling them what they are doing wrong as per the kind of lifestyle and mindsets they gained throughout their lives.

Change is able to happen once one is willing to allow themselves to experience life no matter what circumstances and consequences they come across. In order to do so, they much be willing to feel uncomfortable and take the risks that come along with each choice and decision.

With every big decision, comes an equally important share of the risk! ~ Demi Lovato!

When it comes to looking for the right things and to be able to see what we are looking for, it takes a lot of strength, courage, commitment as well as letting oneself be open fully 💯 by being mindful to be able to see the whole picture.

If one doesn’t, one will be making it difficult and hard for themselves!

No matter what happens, we should always stick with what we know and with what we are! We should never let ourselves give into the pressure others may put on us during points in our lives.

Hold onto what you know and what you know you are and stay strong!

We are all equally good enough in our own unique ways! We are unique. We are different. We are our own self and no one is one bit like us. We are our very own kind!

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken. Love yourself and believe you can do anything you set your mind to! And don’t let anyone take away your self worth. They may acts in ways that take away your worth, but don’t let them.

I know it’s not easy because I had to and I did the right thing. And I’m proud of myself for that!

It’s time for all of us to become stronger and wiser to become more responsibility and more possible to all of human kind. It takes enough courage in someone to be able to take risks to achieve the impossible one wants to achieve!

In order to achieve the impossible, you must believe it is possible! Nothing is impossible as long as you put in the work and believe.

No matter what happens and has happened in the past, we cannot go back in time to fix them nor do we have the logical sense to dwell and fixate on the past either.

We must allow ourselves to learn from our mistakes and regrets so we can do better and improve ourselves to become stronger and wiser each and every day!

What holds you together? To me, it’s what I’ve believed in including myself even all those years I struggled so much to believe in myself. But I also have those things like my own best friend, Courtney and at times my own younger sister, Emily!

But when it comes to having a light and dark side… well I’m not gonna share them here but I will tell you regardless of all that I’ve been through, it has really come together and made me feel stronger, wiser, confident, happy, proud and beautiful through it all!

If you want anything in your life, you gotta know where that comes from! Yeah it comes from within ourselves to do the right thing. To work on ourselves if we are at war with ourselves, insecure, or anything at all mental health wise.

That’s where it starts and it needs to be chosen by oneself rather than by nature or anyone in the world!

The real knowledge comes when you let yourself and allow yourself to experience life for all that it truly is and to learn from it. And lastly to come out stronger than ever each moment and scenario in our lives that can impact our personality and life overall!

We must have faith and hope that things can get better no matter how bad it is at the moment. We must also go allow ourselves to experience and have our bad days to earn our best days!

It’s your attitude and your mindset that chooses your life. How you view your problems and how you handle and resolve them. All comes down to your mindset and your attitude towards your problems and your life overall!

With the mindset and attitude you have, how has it helped you resolve your problems? How did that go? Did it succeed? If it didn’t succeed, wha tsk you think you did wrong or what you were lacking of?

So, what do you wanna do?

Whatever you want, you must be willing to put in the work. Because dreams don’t work unless you do. So unless you live in a fantasy world, you gotta put in the work to earn the results and rewards.

So, how badly do you want it? And if you want it badly enough, I think it’s time to make some changes in your life. By how you look at it and how your mindset helps you achieve your goals towards your happiness.

Whatever we want, sometimes or a lot of times, it’s something we know we can’t do because we believe it’s too hard or too impossible!

Nothing is impossible! Do the thing you think you cannot do. Because we put the “impossible” label on way too many things in which are actually possible but never challenge ourselves to achieve the impossible!

In order to achieve the impossible, you must believe it is possible! ~ Alice

We all find it hard at the beginning to be strong when things make it easy enough to stand down and show our weak side.

But through it all, we eventually find ourselves being stronger even when we least realize we are. It’s not till a point where we feel different that we did it without even thinking about doing it. Because normally a lot of things happen when we least think about it nor even realize we are in the very moment!

We all find it hard sometimes to notice someone’s inner beauty and only look on the surface. Sometimes we don’t realize or think about what we are doing.

We are judging a book by its cover. ❌

We should be looking deeper to the real beauty that helps create the beauty on the outside: inner and outer confidence! ✔️

Nothing is impossible both good and bad. So regardless of the possibilities for the bad things, take some risks and chances!

How will you know something or learn anything if you don’t challenge yourself or take some risks and chances?

When it comes to believing, we can’t always have others there to believe in us, it’s the belief we have in ourselves that makes things happen for ourselves. If we want something, we must believe in ourselves.

When we believe in ourselves, we are half way to whatever we set our minds to achieving!

We think trying something may turn out badly but it can actually turn out better than we may think or imagine. We just have to allow ourselves to put ourselves out in the universe to learn and become stronger, wiser and more!


Today is our day to do whatever we want. So what, screw what others think, do what you wanna do. Do what makes you happy! Do the things that you enjoy: hobbies, passions, purpose…

If you want something or someone, get to it. Work on a plan, a day and just make it your day with achieving that something or spending a day with that special someone!



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.