Is Perfection Realistic?


Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
7 min readJun 29, 2017


What are my flaws? I have many and a lot of the times throughout my life, I hated them so much that I wanted to change them. I felt so disgusted with myself, I just didn’t like the way I looked. And I was ashamed to be related to all my family for I felt like a worthless, ugly, shameful, terrible human being that would be better off dead. At some point I was having suicidal thoughts more frequently than ever before.

I felt like if I were dead, everyone’s lives would be so much better, less stressful, (they could use their money for better things), and a few others. But nobody that I interacted face to face with (except for Tracey) would likely understand the way I do or even know enough on mental illness and particularly depression. And how it can affect not just the brain, but also my overall whole life and theirs too.

When someone is suffering from depression, (with diagnosis or not), you have to respect, accept, and support them as much as you can. They need that more than you may ever think. Refusing to accept their mental state, is only making it worse for them. It makes the stigma more visible and harder to fight and win the battle. Many people are battling these kinds of battles every single day hoping that they’ll be alive the next day.

How can a teacher or professor expect a student (suffering with depression) to complete their assignments. You can’t, you just can’t. We think and believe that it’s rather pointless for we don’t really know for sure if we’ll be alive next week. It’s our brain, that affects us all.

And you can’t go living your life refusing mental illness doesn’t affect you in any way or that it’s the opposite of what it really is. So many people have already accepted the truth about mental illness and have found their own ways with coping with it in their own lives. Whether they know someone who is suffering from a mental illness or maybe even yourself. Either way, you cannot accept that it isn’t what it really is. It’s not healthy nor right in any logical or wise way.

You just have to do whatever you have to do to get through it in healthy ways. If you need therapy for yourself and/or any family/friends, then do it. Do it for them and for yourself too. It’s important to everyone suffering/coping with a mental illness that those who love them supports them in every possible and healthy way possible. And this will help with contributing to the projects of removing or overcoming the stigma surrounding mental illness.

“Cuz I’m not thinking straight. My head’s spinning around. I can’t see clear no more.” – Ellie Goulding

You don’t realise you aren’t having it the worst till the worst happens to you. Then later, you think “and I thought that was the worst, well I was wrong”. And I honestly don’t know how to help myself through recovery. Even for the fact I’m still in the working process with completing the full diagnosis as it is to know what I already know I have: Major to severe depression. But it’s either another depressive episode or a relapse from the first or second episode.

“Chasing after sunlight. Putting on a fake smile.”

Vampire Diaries

  • Inspired you
  • Pushed you to owning the darkest parts of yourself
  • And when you died, he was the only one that could make you feel alive again.
  • You made him feel human again.
  • In in spite of every single thing that he did, we couldn’t live without him

Dear me.

If your reading this and somebody spilled the beans about your selective memory loss. My mind’s on Caroline. Yes, you loved Damon, loved him with passion that consumed you. And then when Damon died, the void was too deep, too dark. Facing an eternity without your soulmate, you went off the deep end. You turned into someone that you weren’t: a monster. Alaric can restore your lost memories, all you have to do is ask.

But I hope that you don’t. I tried it the other way and I didn’t see an end to the pain. I want you to rediscover yourself in the absence of the one who defined you. If you feel any hope for the future at all, then you’re already better off. You’ve been given a chance to start over, I want you to take it. I want you to be happy.

Girl Meets Creativity

Farkle: People lost interest in art and music because it was taken away from them.

Lucas: Well I don’t want that for Maya. I want Maya to be happy.

Maya: Thank you Lucas but it’s just an art class.

Lucas: I feel bad. Taking away sketching your very good at. Your a great artist Maya. You have a real talent and I want you to be able to get better & share it with people. I don’t want them to take away your art class, Maya.

“Don’t believe, don’t get hurt.” ~ Maya

“If you think logically, your gonna lose the creative arts.” ~ Topanga

Riley: yeah, your probably right. Be safe. Your right, I’m wrong. Be safe. Let’s just go to a movie, read a book or maybe listen to music.

Maya: You mean lets just go to art, read some art, or listen some art. Because movies, books and music are art. I do go outside, Riley. I watch the light move during the day. You know what happens at 5:30? You turn gold. Everything is more beautiful at the beginning and the end of the day. I want people to see that. I want to capture that. I didn’t mean to believe in something.

Maya: I don’t want to live in a world with stupid purple cats.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” ~ Einstein

We’re trying to save the creative arts, why can’t we start thinking creatively.

We couldn’t reach you with logic, so we decided to think differently.

Maya: You want numbers? The United States ranking in math, science and reading has done nothing but drop off the past 50 years.

Your proposal?

Maya: Get rid of them.

Cut math, science and reading?

Maya: Why not? We stink at them. But you know what we’re number one at: movies and music! People all over the world are inspired by our creativity. But hey I don’t want to get rid of anything. You started it.

My hands are tied

Maya: That’s so funny. Everyone keeps saying that but they’re not. Look at them, your hands are free. You just think they’re tied.

Creativity feeds science and science feeds creativity. That’s what your missing. Because your not thinking creatively.

Maya: When does it happen?

When does what happen?

Maya: When do you stop being able to think creatively?

Riley: When do you get your hands tied?

Lucas: We don’t want that to happen to us.

Zay: You went to a great school, I’m sure all of you did.

Maya: Your very smart. You know this is the wrong way to think.

And when I was as young as you are, I made a promise to myself that if I ever go to war, I would never forget Qwenica and the horse that new better.

Mental illness & Creativity

I sincerely love how creativity and mental health link together in their own amazing ways. Expressing onself through art in mental illness recovery as a tool is such a great way to heal. I for one am a huge fan of creativity and intend to use creativity in as much of my everyday lifestyle in my routine.

If you think logically, your gonna lose the creative arts. – Topanga Mathews – and so logical thinking may be good and crucially important in life but using that kind of thinking doesn’t solve all the world’s problems.

As Albert Einstein quoted: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” So I believe that we should put creativity into our daily yet busy lives to contribute in solving more problems and more success than logical ever has.

Thinking about life, yeah we make mistakes and not everyone is good at apologies. But when I heard Justin Bieber’s song, “Sorry”, I felt like I could relate for I am not good at apologies myself. So I’d like to share that to all those who I may owe an apology for, I sincerely am sorry!

Perfection is so overrated. Imperfect to me is what I believe is the new black or rather to say the new definition of perfect. Imperfect is perfect!



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.