It’s Time For Change

Your life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by change – Jim Rohn

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
2 min readJul 27, 2016


With all that I’ve been through, I’ve come to realise and become aware that I need to start standing up for myself even for the fact I’d be standing alone technically. To get better change that I truly deserve & want in my life, I need to take risks by standing up for what I believe in even when life doesn’t present the opportunity to. I need to do this for myself; its the right thing to do where I am in life now.

Being able to motivate/push myself to standing up for myself, meaning alone is not an easy thing to do but not impossible. So many people already have, and so can I. This is my time to create the change that I need right now in my life. Another thing is that I’m not gonna apologize or take back anything I intend to say in the the near future (in the next month). Because this is what I want, need and rightfully deserve. I need to do this. I need to make a change in these ways to get what needs to happen in my life at this time.

And so I’d like to add this quote because when I first became aware that I wasn’t normal, that I had a problem: depression; I may have known that I needed to speak up. I didn’t as much as I am now till during and after college. It’s been a trial and no success.

Thinking back to many years where I wanted something, or shared something that’s truly important to me that I believe in, noticed I demanded it. I didn’t inspire it. So if I had thought ahead of myself that I should try sharing my beliefs with my parents in an inspiring way, I’d get better change and what I rightfully needed and wanted for so long. Which is why this quote is so accurate to believe:

“You don’t demand change, you inspire it.” – Lying To Be Perfect

More like not getting the results I needed; nothing changed, nothing improved the situaiton from bringing the awareness to people I love and care about to.

“When your lucky, it is your job to give something back. And when you see something wrong, to stand up and to say so. I’m not gonna apologize for standing up. Somebody has to.” – Callie

And from this quote, I believe that I should give back more. And I completely reccomend, consider everyone else to give back in return. Whether it’s just a compliment, opening a door for someone, or buying a friend or colleague lunch. It all counts and can really change someone’s day. Give it a try!



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.