Let’s Create A Revolution Together

Revolution, Part 1

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
5 min readAug 21, 2017


Step Up: Be Heard

Have you ever wanted to be heard in all the ways that anyone could ever have? What would that do for you if you were heard by society and the world to do whatever purpose, passion, and/or message you wanted to get from it?

What would you do with it and how would that make your life better? How would it make the world a better place as to what was spoken by David Nix in one of a few optimistic movies: Tomorrowland?

We hit them where they least expect and when they least expect it!

If you have the chance, the opportunity to live a life that you have always dreamt of living, what would that look like? How would you make it happen? And remember: “the best way to predict the future is to create it!

Well, step up and take the risks and chances with you and do what you were meant to achieve with your one and only life! Make it yours, make it unique, make it unbelievably amazing enough that it will have everyone else in a surprised state, in a good way!

When the mob speaks, everyone listens!

Find a way where you are able to get everyone listening and their eyes interested/intrigued by what you have to say and what you are in the working progress of achieving/conquering in our one and only world!

Show the rest of society what you are truly made of! Are you scared? Well that’s a good thing: it means you have something worth losing! As to what Richard Webber said in Grey’s Anatomy!

“Living in world like this, you learn pretty quick that you have to speak louder than everyone else if you wanna be heard. Because the truth is, everyone has a voice. And it comes a time when you have to shout, to fight for what you want. But me and my friends, that time is now” ~ Ryan Guzman (Step Up Revolution)

You want to be heard? Well use your voice and do what you were always intended and purposefully made to accomplish and conquer!

And I’m telling you that it won’t be easy and involves taking risks and chances that will make you feel uncomfortable which is more than a great thing (that’s part of the progress with change: keep going); but it will be worth it!

“Ladies and gentlemen. For weeks, you’ve been asking “who is the mob?” The mob is all of us. The mob is Miami. Miami is its culture. If you take down the culture, you take down Miami.” ~ Ryan Guzman

When it comes down to figuring out the “how”, it becomes easy when you know the “why”. And I gotta say that the “SMART” goal doesn’t work because of the “R” which represents/stands for “realistic”.

When it comes to achieving any dream of yours, you must remember not to ask yourself “if it’s realistic or not” because if you do, likely odds is that you won’t pursue that dream because society is telling you that it’s not “realistic”. But in all reality here, the only thing that matters here, is your own happiness. If it makes you happy, do it! So many people don’t do this enough; they aren’t protecting their happiness and they aren’t living their best life, on their own terms and to the absolute fullest that they believe!

“The main thing we want to strive with this movie is that you can fight for what you believe in, that you feel like you might not have a voice and people might not hear you. But little do you realize that if you believe in something as much as you should, and people will hear you, and people will recognize genuine people!” ~ Ryan Guzman

Who Says, Never Say Never, never give up, everything happens for a reason, don’t let anyone or anything bring you down – nothing is impossible! Have no doubt in yourself. No without a doubt you can conquer or do anything you want without being limited in any way.

“It’s not about weather I believe in you. It’s about weather you believe in yourself.” – Will Cloud

We cannot be afraid, we cannot let that fear win and end up losing on our end. If we want it badly enough, we will go through whatever we have to in order to get what we want in our life! Go for it and come out even stronger and wiser in the end! Trust me, you won’t regret it one bit!

“Up on that mountain, when it’s just you and your board. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. You cannot be afraid. Not even for a second, it takes no fear.” – Will Cloud

When in doubt, try again and see what happens! Life will surprise you unexpectedly when you choose to put yourself out there in a way that life can do its thing/job and take nature’s course!

“Nothing’s impossible. No doubt. No fear.” – Kayla Morgan (Dove Cameron), Cloud 9

Kayla Morgan: Nothing is impossible.

Will Cloud: You risked your life just to prove a point. Dumb.”

“If you love it so much, you can’t just walk away.” – Kayla Morgan/Dove Cameron

If you love something enough, you will do whatever it takes to achieve and earn the things in your life that you want! Remember: everything you want is on the other side of fear.

Wouldn’t it be great to prove them wrong?” – Kayla Morgan

Never doubt anything, yourself not anyone!

Never limit yourself! No matter who tries to limit that.

Believe in yourself!

Never say never!

Have faith in people and in yourself! Never lose that! At any point in yourself!

My parents tell me what to wear, how to look, what I should say, how I should be, until recently I had given in to that pressure. I lost side of who I was. I listened to opinions of people, and I tried to change who I am becaus I thought that others would accept me for it. And I realized I don’t need to be anything but myself.

And all I want you to know is that you are changing the world, I’m not changing the world, your changing the world. And that’s amazing. Please just be kind to each other, and love and inspire people. Becaus lets do it, let’s change the game. The most important thing is that we learn and we continue to learn from each other. Please stay true to yourself! Please remain who you are and know that we have each other’s backs.

I’d be lying if I said I never tried to make myself better by giving in because I have. But I’ve learned from my actions, and for all the things I’ve done, I’m proudest at, I’ve learned from my mistakes. You are who you surround yourself with.” ~ Selena Gomez



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.