Let’s Create A Revolution Together

Revolution, Part 2

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
5 min readSep 12, 2017


If you wanna be heard by your own parents? If you wanna be heard by your own friends? If you wanna be heard by your own teachers/professors If you want to be heard in a way of any kind?

Then I’d recommend you read further to learn how you can make a difference by using your voice to the best of your ability to benefit from many things.

If You Wanna Be Heard:

You gotta learn to accept that we are powerful no matter and regardless of what anyone lacks of anything. If you wanna be heard, you gotta focus on what you want, make a plan of the small and big steps and stages you gotta complete in order to reach the finish line. And remember, this is not a race, go at your own pace.

Try your best to not give into the voices that are telling you that no one will ever want to listen or hear your voice… Focus on what your own voice is telling you: I’m sure that it’s telling you to go and take the necessary risks in speaking your mind and being heard. For all those possibilities that many people would boo us or comment negative and nasty things to us; focus on what you want and make it yours! Make it happen!

Remember one more thing: we all have a voice and it’s important that we listen to the right voices regardless of the fact that we are all allowed to have an opinion and a voice on anything at all.

“Living in world like this, you learn pretty quick that you have to speak louder than everyone else if you wanna be heard. Because the truth is, everyone has a voice. And it comes a time when you have to shout, to fight for what you want. But me and my friends, that time is now” ~ Ryan Guzman (Step Up Revolution)

When it comes down to fighting for the things that we believe in, it’s never an easy thing to do. Yet living life is not one ounce easy to what anyone of any age, race, religion, sexuality, or any other fact may believe at any time. Life is not at all like what the “Game Of Life” is like.

We don’t have the control of what happens nor the level we play. But remmeber, we do have control over how we respond and how we let every moment impact us.

“The main thing we want to strive with this movie is that you can fight for what you believe in, that you feel like you might not have a voice and people might not hear you. But little do you realize that if you believe in something as much as you should, and people will hear you, and people will recognize genuine people!” ~ Ryan Guzman

No matter how scary and hard it may be to stand up for what you believe in, but truth be told that you future self will thank you in time if you do take the risks in the things that you believe in. And yeah some things and some people like the court or law may have facts against them but as long as they don’t go against, committing any crimes, or anything like that; you’re on the right track and your doing the right thing!

Trust me, a lot of this goal or dream of yours may require a lot of work, commitment, inner strength, self control, knowledge, education, will power and much more, but in time, it will pay off and it will be worthwhile!

“It’s not about weather I believe in you. It’s about weather you believe in yourself.”

Regardless of those who don’t believe in you nor trust you that you can make actions that responsible citizens of society would make; it’s all in you. It’s in the ability that you choose to believe in yourself regardless of any other facts that make it more difficult; that truly sets you free in time of the things and people that have held you back, including yourself.

And remember what I said earlier: life is hard and we don’t have control over a lot of things but we do have control over how we respond to life and how we choose to let every moment impact us in our everyday lives!

“Up on that mountain, when it’s just you and your board. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. You cannot be afraid. Not even for a second, it takes no fear.” – Will Cloud

If you have ever felt scared, that’s a good thing. Because that means you have something or someone worth losing. If you don’t want to lose that something or someone, then do whatever you can without doing anything illegal or out of control to keep them close by your side.

You know in yourself how badly you want something or to keep someone you know and love, so it’s within you to make the right choice to not lose the things and people who are important to you! And don’t forget to cherish and be grateful for every moment you have with them because we all don’t have unlimited moments forever. Because that’s part of life! And we have to accept it and just focus on what’s in front of us!

“If you love it so much, you can’t just walk away.” – Kayla Morgan

If you love something so much, you know you shouldn’t walk away! You know it’s within yourself to show yourself and others that you are serious about the things that you believe in and the things that you love so much. And that you are willing to fight for them because you believe in them strongly enough, you know it’s a worthwhile fight in the end!

So in conclusion to that point, you know what you gotta do to fight for what you believe in and the things and people that matter to you. That you’ll do whatever you need to do to keep them and show others that you are serious about the things you believe in and those who are important to you!

To also spend quality time with the ones we know and love with the limited time we have with them. Because we know we should cherish the times we spend with those who are important to us and those who we are friends with. We should also make sure to practice gratitude and be grateful for all the things that we have: food, water, shelter, roof over our heads, money, cars, electronics, expensive clothes, parents who pay for our phone bills, etc; pay to support us until we move to a new stage in our life and make a life of our own; as well with being grateful for all those who have been there by our side, even times when we didn’t at first notice they were there for us.

Wouldn’t it be great to prove them wrong?” ~ Kayla Morgan

Now it’s our time to make things better than they are and to fix what is broken. Go and surprise everyone. Show them what you are made of. Prove them wrong, show them that you can do more than they ever thought you could: especially the haters!

Haters: confused admirers



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.