Lying To Be Perfect?

Faux versus authentic

Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents
5 min readJun 20, 2019


Regain my power and become the person I am on the inside!

Well I’ve been noticing after having about 2 weeks since I left Walmart, I’ve been beginning to recognize myself more slowly and also feeling more able to slowly recognize the things that I believe in and feel more connected to them.

From the two years I’ve worked at Walmart I’ve found that I slowly began to lose sight of myself and the things that mattered and that were important to me and also including the things I believed in being that kind of me.

And now that I’ve had the time to get this clarity, insight and vision of this; I’m now more able to not limit myself in what I choose to do with my life! And who knows what’s in store for me for the remainder of 2019! And who knows what is for 2020! All we can do is hope and to work hard towards a better reality and life for ourselves!

Because that all that we can and have power to change: ourselves! No limitations, no doubts, no fears ❌ no negative thoughts regarding the voices of others that aren’t my own voice! This is my life now; and I’m gonna live it… my way!

She needed a fairy-godmother to empower her with the kind of self-confidence it takes to reject the insecurity brought on by unrealistic, over cheating, air brush, anorexic princess images in the media. ~ Nola

For so long I always dreamed that some handsome guy (which at a very young age round 5 and up would imagine that guy) being a prince who saves/rescues her from the tower she was locked up in. And begin a journey of something romantic beyond her rescue!

But deep down I knew that wasn’t gonna match my kind of reality. Because Perfect is a fantasy and it simply just doesn’t exist on this planet no matter how much we all strive for perfect and hope for the perfect life! I’ve learned by experience that life and time is never on your side and it’s part of life and learning when things don’t go your way all the time including the dreamy reality of how you’ve dreamt of living your life!

Because as much as we may wish for that to be a real reality here in our world and society, it will never been a perfect one. Because perfect messes everything up so why waste anymore of our valuable and limited time we have to live. We only get one life to live; it’s time for each one of us to live it our own way and try our best not to listen to the other voices inside our heads.

We are all Cinderella no matter what size, within each one of us there is unique beauty and grace. Finding that beauty, however, isn’t easy.

We all think that those who are models and skinny are beautiful and those who don’t meet these standards aren’t. That’s because we’ve given the other voices in our heads to get the best of us and convince us that these beliefs are a reality and not stupid.

But as much as we may be weak or immune to believing these lies, we really wish someone was there to tell us that we are beautiful because deep down we have a lot of our own demons we are fighting within ourselves and would appreciate one person at least to make it less unbearable for us.

See, Cinderella had to first recognize that the problem wasn’t her evil step mother. The problem was that it was easier to hide out cleaning the house than to go out and find happiness.

For those who can relate to how we find it easier to be lazy, calling it a “lounge” day where we do much to little of nothing but binge-watch Netflix series until our eyes are in the shape of a square and we get bed sores from laying in bed for hours and hours on end.

We really do want the things that require hard work, dedication/motivation, inspiration and lots else to make part of our own reality. But one big truth that truly scares us is by taking a new step towards a healthy change for ourselves: we begin to take some element of risk in other but still a healthy path, but near the end, brings us pain, suffering, reoccurring nightmares from any trauma event in our life or fear; becomes part of our reality and more importantly ourselves! And we think: what if????

Chip: Oh well maybe it’s time for you to grow up, take charge of your life, and be all that you can be. ~ Chip/Alex

Deep down the voice we call the real you is telling you it’s time to get up and take charge of our own life and live it however we choose and be whoever we want to be; because the sky’s the limit!

Because another part of us, deeply wants and believes that it is possible regardless of the countless doubts, anxieties, stress, worries, and numerous thoughts that count all that could go wrong; and then one thought ends with: what if…?

I think your father is wrong. I, I don’t think you can demand change, I think you have to inspire it, you know?! Yeah. ~ Nola

In life people, I mean all of us are taught that if something doesn’t stand inside the “black and white” box, it should be shamed. Because we shame to teach help others learn that they “should” know better. To bring across healthier change and progress!

But I know there’s research that proves that shame doesn’t bring healthy change; it inspires anxiety, fears, worries, overthinking, panic, stress, depression and even triggers/causes PTSD symptoms. But you know what inspires healthy change? Well I’ll be posting a new post around the topic of SHAME either this week or next week; keep checking and feel free to comment your thoughts!

Crazy is sometimes the basis of genius. ~ Charlotte



Laura Annabelle
Social Change Agents

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.